What type of sentence is ... I can't wait until our long weekend!
What is an exclamatory sentence.
What part of the sentence tells what the it is about.
What is simple subject?
In the following sentence, what should be added to correct the run on King Wrong kidnapped Alpha Bot he destroyed the Verbo City circus.
What is a (,) and the conjunction and?
A compound sentence consists of ...
What is two complete thoughts joined by a comma and conjunction?
The complete predicate...
What is starts with the verb and goes to the end of the sentence?
Grammar Man saved Alpha Bot later he helped Syntax with his homework template . This is an example of a ...
What is a run on sentence?
What type of sentence is ... Are you going to the movies this weekend?
What is an interrogative sentence.
The complete subject of the following sentence is... Grammar Man and Alpha Bot fight crime in Verbo city.
What is Grammar Man and Alpha Bot?
Two ways I can fix a run on sentence are...
What is add a conjunction or add a period and make two separate sentences?
A person under the care or treatment of a doctor. The simple predicate of the following sentence is... Grammar Man is going to Verbo city.
What is going?
The complete predicate of the following sentence is ... King Wrong is going to destroy Verbo City.
What is: Is going to destroy Verbo City?
An incomplete sentence, missing either the subject or predicate.
What is a sentence fragment?
What is needed to create a complete sentence?
What is a subject and predicate.
The complete subject of the following sentence is... Jill and Jim walked their dog.
What Jill and Jim
What is a run on sentence?
What is two or more complete sentences connected without any punctuation.
The following sentence is an example of... Before I went to bed, I brushed my teeth.
What is a complex sentence?