Main Idea
Parts of a Story

What do caterpillars turn into?

What are butterflies


What is the name of the fish who helps Marlin cross the ocean to find Nemo?

Who is Dory


What snacks do people leave for Santa on Christmas Eve?

What are cookies and milk

The crop that gives the most food to humans and animals in the United States is corn.  Most of the corn grown is for use as animal feed.  The farmers of the United States produce about one half of all the corn grown in the world.  What is the main idea?

a. Corn is grown as feed for humans and animals

b. Corn is grown all over the world

c. Corn is important as it is used for many things

a. Corn is grown as feed for humans and animals 


The people or animals that act out the story

Who are the characters


How many legs do a spider have?


Which Disney movie has two sisters called Anna and Elsa

What is Frozen


On which holiday do kids wear costumes and go trick-or-treating?

What is Halloween


One of the most welcome sights in the desert is the cactus.  The cactus is a plant that can store large amounts of water.  It has a thick, tough skin to keep the water in.  There are many kinds of cacti.  Some grow as tall as 50 feet.  What is the main idea?

a. The cactus grows in most parts of the world

b. The cactus is a beautiful looking plant

c. The cactus is designed for storing water

c. The cactus is designed for storing water


The time and place of the story

What is the setting


This reptile can change its body color to camouflage itself

What is a chameleon 


What is the name of the dog in the movie Toy Story?



What are the colors on the American Flag?

What are red, blue and white


There are about 2,000 kinds of bats.  They come in many sizes.  Bats are rather strange looking animals.  They are soft and furry with large ears.  Bat can not run or walk.  They usually eat insects.  Bats are the only mammals that fly.  What is the main idea?

a. Bats are unusual mammals

b. Bats move by running and flying

c. Bats look like many other animals

a. Bats are unusual mammals 


The person who writes the story and the person who draws the pictures for the story

What is the author and the illustrator


Which is the fastest land animal?

What is a cheetah?


What is the name of Mickey Mouse's pet dog?

Who is Pluto


What do people in the US eat most for Thanksgiving dinner?

What is a Turkey


Cats are popular house pets.  Cats come in a variety of colors.  Some cats have long hair and some have short hair.  There are cats that have no tails.  Cats can have eyes of many different colors.  A cat can be a solid color, more than one color, or striped.  What is the main idea?

a. cats make the best house pet

b. cats are very similar

c. there is much variety in the cat family

c. there is much variety in the cat family


The events that happen in the story

What is the plot


What group of animals is called a pride?

What are lions


Whose nose grew longer when he lied?

Who is Pinocchio


What are the 7 colors in a rainbow?

What are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red


Chocolate is a popular food.  Today we think of it mainly as a candy.  Years ago, it started out as a drink.  All chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree.  There are many steps to follow in turning cacao beans into the kind of chocolate we eat.  What is the main idea?

a. making chocolate is a long process

b. chocolate is high in vitamins 

c. chocolate has few uses 

a. making chocolate is a long process


The message that is in the story or what the story is about

What is the theme