Response to Lit.
What is a narrative?
A story with a problem, solution and lots of details.
What is a Response to Literature?
I need to read a story, answer a question using examples from the story in order to show I understood what I read.
What is a summary?
-Determine main idea and supporting details -Write a summary in MY OWN WORDS
What is my job when revising?
Read my writing to make sure it flows smoothly and makes sense to my audience.
What are the four things I need to look for when editing?
1. Capitalization 2. Overall appearance 3. Punctuation 4. Spelling
Who is the main character/narrator in a narrative?
What is the very first thing I should do in a Response to Literature? Why?
Read the question found at the very end of the story in order to get my brain ready to: -Read -Gather evidence/examples
How many paragraphs in a summary? What are they called?
There are three paragraphs in a summary: 1. Introduction: Topic Sentence 2. Supporting Details 3. Conclusion: Topic Sentence written in a new way
Which is the best way to combine the ideas in these sentences? They see animals. They see plants. These are very unusual. A) They see very unusual animals and plants. B) There are very unusual animals and plants, and they see them. C) There are animals, and there are plants, and they are very unusual.
A) They see very unusual animals and plants.
Which word is not spelled correctly? A) countrys B) southern C) traveled D) paid
A) countrys
How many paragraphs are in a narrative? What are they called?
There are three paragraphs in a narrative: -Beginning -Middle -End
How many paragraphs are in a Response to Literature?
There are three paragraphs in a Response to Literature. 1. Introduction 2. Body- evidence/examples from the story 3. Conclusion
What does the topic sentence include?
-Title of the article and author -Strong verb -Main idea in my own words
How can these sentences best be joined without changing the meaning? In dangerous times, the tower was located somewhere else. It was at the edge of town. A) In dangerous times, the tower was somewhere else it was at the edge of town. B) In dangerous times, the tower was located at the edge of town. C) In dangerous times somewhere else, the tower was at the edge of town.
B) In dangerous times, the tower was located at the edge of town.
Which is the correct way to capitalize the title of the magazine in the sentence? The magazine orienteering in north america also gives some extra tips and information.
Orienteering in North America
What is a prompt? How should I start my story?
The prompt will tell me what to write about. I must start my story by answering the prompt.
What three things does my first paragraph in a Response to Literature need to include?
-Title of the story -Short summary of the story (4-6 sentences) -Response to the prompt/question
In an article where can I find the main idea in order to write my summary?
The main idea can be found in the title, topic sentence (intro) and concluding sentence of the article. (Look for ideas that are repeated in all three)
Which is the best way to combine the sentences to form a simple sentence? It is approximately 270 feet tall. It weighs 2,000 tons. A) It is approximately 270 feet tall and weighs 2,000 tons. B) It is approximately 270 feet tall, but it weighs 2,000 tons. C) It is approximately 270 feet tall weighs 2,000 tons.
A) It is approximately 270 feet tall and weighs 2,000 tons.
Which word is spelled incorrectly? A) adventuruous B) vast C) region D) million
A) adventuruous
What are the three paragraphs in a narrative and what do I need to include in them?
-Beginning: Introduce the setting and characters -Middle: Problem -End: Solution, wrap it up
What do I need to include in my second paragraph in a Response to Literature?
Details/examples from the story to help me answer the prompt /question
How do I decide which details to choose from the article to write my Summary?
Not specific details, details should support the main idea
Which is the best way to revise the sentence below? Working together to help them swim are their feet and short, stubby tails. A) They, their feet and short, stubby tails, work together to help them swim. B) To help them swim, working together are their feet and short, stubby tails. C) Their feet and short, stubby tails work together to help them swim.
C) Their feet and short, stubby tails work together to help them swim.
What is the correct way to punctuate the sentence below? I need a pencil, said Mary.
"I need a pencil," said Mary.