Brian, Mom, Dad, Pilot
What are some foods that Brian eats?
Berries, raspberries, turtle eggs, fish, birds, worms
Avion pequeño in English
Small plane
True or False. Brian flies the plane alone?
Scared, worried, upset, sad, alone, cold...etc.
Forest or Wilderness
What animals does Brian see?
Bear, wolf, porcupine, skunk
Bosque in English
True or False. Brian eats fish and it makes him sick.
What is one thing that would have helped Brian survive?
A tent, something to cook in, clean water...etc.
What happens to the pilot?
He has a heart attack
Why is the fire a good thing?
Keeps mosquitoes away
Ataque de corazon in English
Heart Attack
What did Brian find to eat?
True or false. Brian is attacked by the bear in the book.
Why is Brian on the small plane?
To go see his dad
What tools help Brian survive?
Spear, bow and arrow, hatchet
Refugio in English
What did Brian use to make the wall for his shelter?
Sticks and branches
What helped Brian survive?
Fishing, making a fire, eating berries,
What makes Brian very sick?
The berries
How does Brian look different?
He is skinnier
Lago in English
What is Brian's mom's secret?
She was with another man
What kind of storm does Brian go through?