Alondra blew an enormous bubble with her gum. What was the effect?
Gum splattered all over Alondra's face.
Andy left the gallon of milk sitting out on the counter all day. What was the effect?
The milk smelled horrible when he opened it. (spoiled) or Andy had to throw the milk away.
Michael did not want to go to the dentist. He was afraid that Dr. Yurman would hurt him. He cried all the way to the office. But after all that, it didn't hurt at all. Effect: Michael cried all the way to the office. What was the cause? a. He wanted to see Dr. Yurman. b. He was afraid of the dentist. c. The dentist didn't hurt him at all.
b. He was afraid of the dentist.
Layla and Evelyn decided to take a trip. "We'll go to the beach," said Layla. "The beach is nice in the autumn. It's cool, so there won't be many people there. It won't be crowded at all." Cause: The weather is cool. What is the Effect? a. There won't be many people at the beach. b. Kitty will take a long trip. c. The beach will be very crowded.
a. There won't be many people at the beach.
Dominick walked quickly down the dark street. It was quiet. Suddenly, a dog howled. Dominick walked even faster after that. Cause: A dog howled. What was the effect? a. Dominick went inside. b. Dominick walked even faster. c. Everything was quiet.
b. Dominick walked even faster.