Goal 1
Goal 1
Goal 1
Goal 1
There are eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds in a day. How else could this number be written?
What is 86,400
On Monday, Carrie and her family traveled 792 miles. On Tuesday they traveled another 430 miles. About how many more miles did they travel on Monday than on Tuesday?
What is 400 miles
Miriam read 17 pages in her book every night for 1 week. How many pages did she read that week?
What is 119
The tallest tree in the world is 435 feet tall. How should the height of the tree be written in words?
What is four hunderd thirty five.
Andy is camping. He counts 875 stars in the sky on the first night. He counts 465 stars on the second night. How many more stars did Andy see on the first night?
What is 410
The area of North Carolina is fifty-two thousand, seven hundred twelve square miles. How would this number be written?
What is 52,712
Carlos put 48 cookies into 8 equal rows. How many cookies were in each row?
What is 6
Mrs. Gregory assigned a project that requires each of her 20 students to use 36 toothpicks. How many toothpicks will she need to provide?
What is 720
What is the standard form of 7,000 + 800 + 20 + 5?
What is 7,825
What is 50x10=
What is 500
Crystal’s mother was counting the money from her store. She counted $4,367. How would Crystal write this amount in words?
What is four thousand three hundred sixty-seven dollars
There are 12 children in line at an amusement park. If an equal number of those children ride in each of the 4 bumper cars, how many ride in each car?
What is 3
Ms. Howard bought 8 cheese pizzas for $48. How much did each pizza cost?
What is $6.00
Mrs. Roth asked Megan to help her count the glass beads that came in a package for the art class. Megan counted 5,000 green + 40 yellow + 300 pink + 3 black beads. How many beads were there in all?
What is 5,343.
If you had $10.00 and bought a new CD for $8.79 how much change would you get back?
What is $1.21
Jenny’s vacation money consisted of a $100 bill, a $20 bill, and a $5 bill. How would she correctly write the amount of her vacation money in words?
What is one hundred twenty-five dollars
Six friends each have 86 baseball cards. How many baseball cards do they have?
What is 516
Ms. Howard bought 8 cheese pizzas for $48. How much did each pizza cost?
What is 1,575.
Sam got 544 stickers from his mother, 470 stickers from his father, and 721 stickers from his uncle. About how many stickers did Sam receive?
What is 1,700.
At the game, seven team members scored three points each. How many points did they score in the game?
What is 21
Last summer, about 5,885 people visited Santa Maria Park each day for 5 days. What is the closest approximation for the total number of park visitors for those 5 days?
What is 30,000
Jodi walked 3 miles each day. How many miles had she walked after 14 days?
What is 42
Jim bought lunch on Monday and Wednesday for $5 each day. He bought a new CD for $15 on Thursday. On Friday he spent $5 to go to the movies. On Saturday he counted the money he had left and found he had $10. How much money did Leo have at the beginning of the week?
What is $40.00?
There are 472 students enrolled in Central Park’s summer program. Of the 472 enrolled, 159 are girls. How many boys are enrolled in the program?
What is 313
Andrew wants to buy four cookies. Each cookie costs 7 cents. How much money will Andrew need to buy the cookies?
What is 28 cents