12 times as many as 3 is
Tom bought 8 boxes of candy. Later he bought 2 more boxes. How many boxes did he have total?
100 x 10=
a number that has only one pair
of factors: itself and 1
prime number
10 times as many as 480 is
Liam was sick last Friday.
Liam went to the doctor. There are 8 patients waiting. The nurse told him it will be his turn after 3 hours. How many minutes will it take for Liam to see the doctor?
180 minutes
700 x 2 =
12 x 12=
Carol needs to buy 24 apples for apple bobbing. If each bag contains 6 apples, how many bags will she need?
4 bags
30 + 20 +30 + 20 + 1=
the amount left over that will not divide equally into the given number of groups
15 x 5 =
Tiffany was placing her spare change into stacks. One stack had 31 coins and the other had 8. How many coins did she have total?
4 times 15
A letter used in math to represent the unknown in an equation
10 times as many as 100,000
Liam has some medicine at home for his headache and fever. There are 36 tablets left in the bottle and he is supposed to take 3 tablets a day. How many tablets will be left after day 11?
3 tablets
1001- 100=