Geometry and Measurement
Fractions and Decimals
Fun Stuff!
90 x 9 = ? (but you must be ready to explain and JUSTIFY your answer)
What is 810.. Solved by thinking of 9x9= 81, then 81x10 = 810
What are 2 ways to think of or to show division?
What is splitting into equal groups, repeated subtraction, passing out objects, circle method, partial quotients method.
What kind of lines are formed by the letter T?
What are Perpendicular lines!
What fraction is equal to 0.7?
What is 7/10.
How many right angles are formed when 2 perpendicular lines cross?
What is 4 right angles
What are 2 ways to think of multiplication?
What is groups, arrays, skip counting, or repeated addition.
Mrs. Lowe had 125 pencils to split between 25 students. How many pencils should each student get?
What is 5 pencils per student
Name the angle that is formed when the clock reads that it is exactly 4 o'clock.
What is an obtuse angle.
Lebron James hit 5/6 free throws, and Derek Rose made 6/7 in a different game. Who has a better free throw record?
What is Derek--the missing piece to one (a seventh) is smaller, and therefore closer to one.
What time is it right... now!
What is.... ??? (let me check for you)
12 x 15
What is = 180
There are 52 rooms in Merriwether Elementary School (including closets and halls). If 7 students wanted to split up the school and search every room, how many rooms would each student have a search?
What is 7 rooms each, with 3 rooms leftover to be searched by one student, by all the students working together, or by giving 3 students one extra room each.
Mr. Walker son weighs 7 pounds and 3 ounces. An ounce is about the same as a slice of bread. How many slices of bread equal one pound?
What is 16 slices.
2/5 x 7 = ? Write your answer as a mixed number!
What is 2 and 4/5.
A woman has 7 daughters, and each daughter has 1 brother. How many children does the woman have altogether?
What is 8 children. All the girls share the one brother. Duh!!!
John had to solve 62 x 9 for a math test. He split it into 6 x 9 = 54 and 2 x 9 = 18. Then he added to get 54 + 18 = 72 Where did John make a mistake?
What is 62 splits into 60 and 2, not 6 and 2. As a result, he needed to show 60 x 9 = 540, which then changed his addition sentence.
162 ÷ 6 =
What is answer = 27
What type of quadrilateral has 2 parallel lines and 2 obtuse angles?
What is a trapezoid
Put these fractions and decimal in order from least to greatest: 0.8, 0.25, 1/2, 3/4, 1/3
What is 0.25, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 0.8
The ELA ACT Aspire test started at 9:30 a.m., and lasted until 12:15 p.m. How long did the test last?
What is 2 hours and 45 minutes
142 x 87 = ?
What is 12,354.
400 ÷ 6 = ?
What is 66 remainder 4
What is another name for a 10 sided polygon.
What is a DECAGON.
There are 28 students in a class. 1/4 have blue as their favorite color, while 0.25 have green as a favorite color. How many students have something else as their favorite color?
What is one half or 14 students.
Name a number that... -Is a multiple of 4 -Is divisible by 3 -Is less than 20
What is 12!