Place Value
What is the top number in a fraction called and what does it represent?
What is numerator. The numerator represents the number of parts out of the whole, which is the denominator.
List the factors for 36
What is:2,3,4,6,9,12,18
What are angles measured in?
Ms. Kimsey drew a right angle. She divided the angle into 2 parts. One part measured 43 degrees. What is the measure of the other part?
What is 47 degrees?
Add 1/9 + 2/3
What is 7/9
Joe drew an obtuse angle. Part of the angle measured 115 degrees. The other part measured 13 degrees. How can he find the total measurement of his angle? What is the measurement of his angle?
What is add the 2 parts of the angle together. What is 128 degrees.