Marcy wants to put 78 flowers in 16 vases. How many flowers will be in the vase that isn't full?
What will you do with the remainder?
What is use it - U
a x b x c = c x b x a
What is the commutative property of multiplication
Use the lattice template
What is 126 x 263 ?
What is 33,138
248 divided by 13
What is 19 r 1
Round 1,263, 946 to the nearest hundred thousand
What is 1,300,000
The Freedom Elementary March Madness team will be traveling to the Basketball Showdown. Fifteen players will travel in cars, and three players can fit in a car. How many cars will you need?
What will you do with the remainder?
What is Round it - R
(3 x 4) x 5 = 3 x (4 x 5)
What is the associative property of multiplcation
36 x 71 =
What is 2556
Use the partial quotient method to divide 3300 by 16
What is 206 r 4 * You must have use the method for credit
Round 99,467 the nearest ten-thousand
What is 100,000
Duke Energy is stringing wire. The have 5,000 feet of wire to string between electric poles. How many feet will go between each set of poles.
What will you do with the remainder?
What is turn it into a fraction - T
14 x 1 = 14
What is the identity property of multiplication
Use partial products to solve 58 x 87
What is 56 + 350 + 640 + 4000 = 5046
5414 divided by 24
What is 225 r 14
Round 462,539 to the nearest thousand
What is 463,000
Ms. Knopp is having a party and she has 40 lbs. of candy to put into bags. If she puts one and one third pounds in each bag, how many bags will she make?
What will you do with the remainder?
What is drop it - D
3 x ( 4 + 5) = (3 x 4) + (3 x 5)
What is the distributive property
Use the area method to solve 74 x 47
What is 3478
3045 divided by 15
What is 203
Round 1,899,267 to the nearest hundred thousand
What is 1,900,000
The Pride Promise party will have cakes for the students. If there are 425 students and each cake will serve 7 students, how many cakes do you need?
What will you do with the remainder?
What is Round Up - R
6 x 7 x 8 = 7 x 6 x 8
What is the commutative property of multiplication