Text Features
Text Structure
Author's Purpose
Unknown Words

Shows what something looks like



Describes events in the order they happened.

Signal words: first, next, then, last, finally



Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!

To entertain


The principal DICTATED that all students would be required to follow the school dress code. What word would be a synonym for DICTATED? a) asked b) knew c) commanded

c) commanded


Mrs. Shaffer smiled when her class raised their hands during math and did not blurt out. What can you infer about Mrs. Shaffer?

a) she is mad b) she is happy c) she is confused

b) She is happy
Words that explain what a photograph is showing.



Shows how two or more things are alike and how they are different.

Signal Words: same as, similar to, both, different from

Compare and Contrast


If you want to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you need bread, jelly, and peanut butter. Put the peanut butter on one side and the jelly on the other. Last, put the two sides together to make your sandwich.

To inform


The full moon ILLUMINATED the sky so much that we did not need our flashlights. What would be a synonym for ILLUMINATED? a) lit b) darkened c) filled

a) lit


On the way to encore, the class was at a level 0 in the hallway. When they got back to class, Ms. Cash gave each student a ticket. Why did the students get a ticket?

a) they were following hallway expectations b) they were talking in the hallway c) they came in the classroom quietly 

a) they were following hallway expectations


A word that stands out from the rest of the text and is an important word to know.

Bold Text


Tells about a problem and gives possible solutions

Signal Words: question is, to solve this, one reason is

Problem and Solution


Come and get your very own Speedy Scooter! It will make you super fast and let you have tons of fun! You should definitely buy a brand new Speedy Scooter today!

To persuade


Arnold approached the snake CAUTIOUSLY. He thought it was dead, but he didn't know for sure. What does CAUTIOUSLY mean? a) quickly b) carefully c) carelessly

b) carefully


The front desk informed me that I am next. I took my purse and went inside the room. I told the man wearing a white coat that I've been coughing for 3 days now. Where am I? a) dentist b) doctor's office c) park d) home

b) doctor's office


Shows events in chronological order.



Explains why something happens and what happened as a result.

Signal Words: so, because, since, therefore, as a result of

Cause and Effect


Do you want to be an artist? Just take our Awesome Artists class and you will be a famous artist in no time!

To persuade


Susie could smell the AROMA of freshly baking bread as soon as she walked into the kitchen. What does AROMA mean? a) scent b) sound c) stink

a) scent


Tia is starting to feel tired but she told herself she could do it. She only needs to over take one more person to win. "I can do this!" , she said and pedaled faster. What is Tia doing? Why do you think so?

riding a bike in a race


Shows the parts of something (Example: parts of a snake)



Describes a topic, idea, person, place, or thing and lists its characteristics

Signal Words: to illustrate, an example, such as



The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861. It was a war between the Northern states and the Southern states. Abraham Lincoln led the North to victory.

To inform


Adrian liked his new laptop computer because it was light and PORTABLE. He took it with him everywhere! What does PORTABLE mean? a) small b) movable c) high-tech

b) movable


What reading strategies can we use when taking a reading test with multiple choice questions?

1. Read and highlight the title

2. Read the questions

3. Read the passage

4. Re-read each question and highlight evidence

5. Slash the trash and choose the best answer