The Mighty Binder
Curriculum Matters
Trips and Visits

The number of times per week that I should take papers out of my child's binder.

What is 0? Things stay in our binders until we clean them out at school at the end of a unit. Then we leave some things in our portfolios and take others home.


The number of book reports in 4th grade.

What is 0? We don't actually do "book reports" but we do the genre of the month program where they must read a book from a certain genre and then we do many "book recommendation" type activities in the classroom.


The curriculum area that has new materials this year.

Reading. We are using the Wonders curriculum resources along with the Daily 5 strategies and the CAFE focus lessons.


The number of field trips this year.

What is around 5? Many of them come in April/May with Minnesota history and I'll be asking for chaperones then.


Number of minutes of homework each day.

What is varying? It really depends on the child and their rate of work in school. I'd really love to see kids reading each night and they will sometimes have math too. Add in word study and memory verse and that's about enough. Occasionally there will be times where there's more with test studying and projects. Let me know if your child is burdened with too much and we'll try to figure out why.


The number of times I should/could look through my child's binder each week.

What is as often as you'd like? You are encouraged to look at your child's Facts as well as other assignments--especially math--and see how they are progressing. Also check their organization of their binder.


The number of "major projects" in 4th grade.

1? The biggest project that involves at-home involvement is the state project in the spring which involves making a state float at home.

The trimester in which we study science.
What is 1st and most of 2nd trimester? We start the year with science and then move to social studies later in the year. This format lets us have larger blocks of time to study and one less class to focus on seems less confusing for students.

The first trip of the year.

What is we already went to Cloverleaf?  We'll be going there every month!


The way to find out your child's AR goals and progress.

What is AR Home Connect? Log in with your child's information (they know it) at and see how they are doing. You can also have each test results emailed to you if you'd like.


The number of times you should take their Fourth Grade Facts out to put on the refrigerator.

What is 0? This should always stay in the front of their binder. You may print another copy from the website if needed for memory verse, etc.


The number of projects 4th grade parents have this year.

What is 0? Remember, your child is the student and while you will help and support and encourage them, it is "their" project and not yours:)!


The theme of reading this year.

What is "reading is thinking"? In reading this year, we will use many methods and strategies to help the 4th graders not only decode and read fluently, but most of all to learn to be good thinkers and comprehend well while they read.


A really good time to visit 4th grade.

What is lunch time. You can eat with your child at 12:00...but often I'll be reading aloud. You are welcome at other times too, but maybe email ahead and ask.


The number of book orders that I have to do this year.

What is 0? Scholastic book order are only for those interested in ordering books. You can order by paper or online now too.


This is how their day will go at school if they forget their binder.

What is poorly or difficult?


The month when we'll start thinking about state projects.

What is January? While many kids already have their state picked and others will finalize that soon, we don't really do anything with it until 2019!


Number of days per week that students should work on word study.

What is 5 or more? Word study words will be introduced on Wednesday with the test the next Tuesday. A variety of sorts and other activities with the word study cards each day will be the best way to solidify the pattern and specific words. The website is also motivating for some students.


The number of times I may ask for help in the classroom.

What is "unknown"? If I need help with a science lab, computer help, copying project, etc., I'll usually email out asking if anyone can help.


The websites that 4th graders will use most.

What is IXL for math practice and for word study practice?  Also check out the 4th grade links page:


The number of times you should bring their binder if they forget it.

What is 0? They do need to learn responsibility and will survive without their binder for 1 day and hopefully learn a good lesson in the process.


The number of "big" memorizing projects.

What is 3? We have many memory verses along the way and some of them are long too, but there are the Bible books this fall, CE Night poem in February, and then the states and capitals in the spring.


A subject area where I see lots of growth in 4th grade

What is all of them? But I was thinking of computers and technology. We'll work hard on keyboarding skills in the 2nd trimester but also learn many other computer applications and online uses as well. They've been doing great with the SMARTboard and RESPONSE systems already.


The best way to support your child.

What is pray for them, me, and our class each day. Be their biggest fan and encourager!


The best way to communicate with me.

What is multiple ways...hallway conversations, email, conferences, a phone call? But remember, we are not available 24/7 either:). We are at school each day from 8:15-4:15 for sure and from 8-8:45 is a good time to stop by if you'd like to set up a time to talk to me about something specific.