Voice Levels
Classroom 1
Classroom 2

What voice level should you be at during dismissal?

Voice Level 0


What does it mean when I say "give me 5?"

1. Eyes on speaker

2. Quiet mouth

3. Listening ears

4. Hands are free

5. Body is calm


What does PRIDE mean?

P- Purpose

R- Respect

I- Integrity

D- Determination

E- Excellence


How many Dojos do you need to receive a prize on Fridays?

20 Dojos


What are the 4 specials at Picadome?

Gym, Music, Art, STEAM


What voice level should you be at during breakfast and lunch?

Voice Level 2


What do you need to do when packing up?

1. Plug in your Chromebook 

2. Grab your blue folder from your mailbox.

3. Get coats & backpack and put your folder and book in it. 

4. Sit down at a voice level 0 and wait for the read aloud. 

5. Stack your chair when you are called.


When you are walking in the hallway, what side of the hallway do you walk on? What color squares do we walk on?

Right side; yellow squares


What do you need to make sure is on your paper before you turn something in?

What tray do you turn your paper into if you kind of understand what we are learning, but need more practice?


Yellow drawer


Are you allowed to wear hoods?



What voice level should you be at in the hallway?

Voice Level 0


What do you need to do when you arrive?

1. Take out blue folder and put blue folder and any papers for me in the clear trays. 

2. Put your backpack in your cubby.

3. Go to your seat and work on morning work. 


Name 3 rewards that we have at Picadome.


Hard Work Cafe, Den Dollars, Golden Rewards, Leader of the Pack, PRIDE celebrations, Dojos


Who opens the door when the doorbell rings?

The person closest to the door at the time


Are water bottles allowed in our classroom?

Yes, but they can only have water in them.


What voice level should you be at when working in a small group?

Voice Level 1


What do you need to do when you need to go to the bathroom or get a drink?

Cross two fingers in the air; sign out and back in on sheet


What do you do if you need something in the cafeteria?

Raise your hand and wait for an adult to come to you

What do you need to do if you have a question while I am in a small group or teaching?

Raise your hand or wait until I have a free moment.


What can you do during breakfast if you do not want to eat?

Read a book, bring morning work, or sit and chat with your friends


What voice level should you be at on the bus?

Voice Level 2


What is our classroom's pencil policy? 

(How many a week?, sharpening, losing pencils)

2 pencils a week; put up 1 finger if you need a pencil sharpened; if you have both pencils at the end of the week, you get a Dojo


What are 2 rules that Mr. Knuckles discussed about riding the bus?


1. Staying seated

2. Don't put hands out the window

3. Stay out of the aisles

4. Talk at a voice Level 2


What do you need to do when you want to check out a book from my classroom library?

Check it out from the sheet in the folder. Check it back in when you return it.


What is your PURPOSE when using the restroom?

Use the restroom, wash your hands, and exit