Literary Devices
Text Features
Author's Purpose
Vocabulary Terms To know!
What line below is an example of an alliteration? a. She is as beautiful as a diamond. b. Silly Sam went to the seashore. c. The wind seemed to say, "Follow me!"
What is B.
This text feature helps words in a passage stand out by making them darker than all the rest of the terms.
What is bold print.
Author's purpose means...
What is why the author writes.
The genre of a book, story, or passage is....
What is the type of book, story, or passage. The category.
These are the people and/or animals in the story.
What are characters.
What line below is an example of a simile? a. She is as beautiful as a diamond. b. Silly Sam went to the seashore. c. The wind seemed to say, "Follow me!"
What is A.
This text feature tells the reader what is going on in a picture.
What is a caption.
When an author writes to give facts and information.
What is inform.
This type of book is a true story about someone's life, but it was written by another person.
What is a biography.
This is the most important thing the author is trying to tell you in the story. It is not always clearly stated.
What is the main idea.
What line below is an example of a personification? a. She is as beautiful as a diamond. b. Silly Sam went to the seashore. c. The wind seemed to say, "Follow me!"
What is C.
This text feature tells the reader what the section of the text they are reading is about. It is usually printed larger than the passage and is sometimes in bold print.
What is a heading or sub-heading.
When an author writes to tell a story and make you smile, laugh, or cry.
What is to entertain.
This category of story has people and events that seem real and could be real, but they are made up.
What is realistic fiction.
This is when and where (time/place) of a story.
What is setting.
This literary device gives objects and animals human qualities.
What is personification.
This text feature is located in the back of a book and defines certain vocabulary words that can be found in the passage.
What is a glossary.
When an author writes to convince you or change your mind.
What is to persuade.
This type of story is suspenseful and contains puzzling events that are not solved until the end of the story.
What is a mystery.
This is the life lesson, message, or moral of a story.
What is theme.
This literary devices compares 2 unlike things using "like" or "as."
What is a simile.
This text feature is found in the front of a book and gives the reader an idea of what the sections of the book will be about.
What is a table of contents.
Fourth grade is awesome! When you are in fourth grade you will visit Harrisburg for your end of the year field trip. This is a lot of fun and you get to see Pennsylvania history up close and personal! Fourth graders also get to use iPads on a daily basis! The iPads have educational and fun games. The best game is Chicktionary, where you have to make words with letters. Mrs. Shawver, our teacher, has a prize box with tons of cool prizes. She lets you pick a prize if she pulls your name from the Ram Star Jar. You are going to love fourth grade!
What is persuasive writing.
This type of book is based on made up events and almost always contains magic, kings, queens, and/or animals that act like humans.
What is fantasy.
This is the most exciting part of a story, the top of the mountain when the most action takes place.
What is the climax.