Context Clues
Reading Passage Questions
Beautiful / Ugly
What is antonyms?
Tim forgot his math textbook, so he was unable to complete his homework. What is the cause?
What is Tim forgot his math textbook?
The rays from the sun shined splendidly through the bedroom window. What does the word splendidly mean?
What is gorgeous, dazzling, excellent?

Which sentence best helps the reader understand that the story is told from the first-person point of view? 

F. The stove was a giant Bunsen burner, and the pots and pans were beakers and flasks. 

G. Sarah came in from the living room. 

H. Then she showed me what I needed to do. 

J. Sarah wrapped the lid with one of the yellow rubber gloves by the sink, took a deep breath, and twisted.  

What is H?


Baseball is the best sport ever!

What is an opinion?

Argue / Squabble
What is synonyms?
Keegan was hungry because he skipped lunch. What is the cause?
What is he skipped lunch?
We were so hungry that we didn't leave a single particle of the cookies on the plate. What does particle mean?
What is a piece or crumb?

Which sentence from the story suggests that Phineas is embarrassed to ask for help? 

F. Next, I needed a plan. 

G. I’m not allowed to use the stove. 

H. I couldn’t get the lid off the jar.

J. I felt my face turn red.

What is J?


August 27th, 2022 is the last day of the school year.

What is a fact?

Tired / Energetic
What is antonyms?
Mike's 4x4 had a flat tire, so he couldn't go riding with his friends. What is the effect?
What is he couldn't go riding with his friends?
When Fido had a juicy bone, a cozy place to lie, and me petting him, he was in paradise. What does paradise mean?
What is a place of extreme happiness?

Read lines 13 and 14 from the poem. 

leaving chunks of trees 

that we made into pirate ships. 

What do these lines suggest about the speaker’s experience at the river? 

A. The river creates problems that the speaker wants to avoid. 

B. The river provides a way for the speaker to be creative. 

C. The river can be a confusing place for the speaker.

What is B?

July 4th is when we celebrate the independence of the United States from England.
What is a fact?

Huge / Gigantic

What is synonyms?


Billy couldn't find the potato chips because his sister hid them in the freezer. What is the effect?

What is Billy couldn't find the potato chips?

Dylan goes to the Air and Space Museum every chance he gets because he is fascinated by planes. What does fascinated mean?
What is interested in or curiosity of?

Which sentence from the selection expresses an opinion? 

A. Giving a bat a home is a great way to help these useful creatures.

B. More plants mean more food for people and animals. 

C. Today there are many people who build homes for bats.  

What is A?

4th grade is the easiest year in elementary school.
What is an opinion?
Guess / Estimate
What is synonyms?

John studied his multiplication facts, so he got a 100 on his math test. What is the effect?

What is he got a 100 on his math test?

Cathryn carried the delicate china to the table very carefully. What does delicate mean?
What is fragile, easily breakable or damaged?

Which sentence from the story shows that the caterpillar is successful at building a good house for itself

A. Every time the caterpillar’s head moved, it left behind something that looked like a glistening thread of silk. 

B. The bee came by that way again and stopped to look at the little house. 

C. It was fast asleep in its little cocoon house, knowing not whether the sun shone or the rain beat down.

What is C?


The STAAR test is so easy!

What is an opinion?