Main Idea
Text Strucutre
Story Structure

The rain forest has four main layers. The names of these layers are the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. Different plants and animals live in each layer. Some layers get more sunlight than others.

The rainforest has four main layers


Ever since she was a little girl, Abby always wanted to be a nurse. She was always told that being a nurse is one of the most challenging professions because of all of the schooling, as well as all of the everyday duties nurses undergo. Abby decided to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. She began her freshman year of college at Northern Illinois University. She was so honored to be accepted into the Nursing program. During her first semester, she took an Anatomy class. On her first test, Abby received a 68%. Devastated, she called her dad. “I want this so bad, but I just don’t know if I have what it takes”, Abby said. “Of course you can. Nothing worth fighting for comes easy. You will find your way”. Abby continued to study and study for her next exam. She studied for nearly six hours. She went into the next test confident, and scored a 90%. I can’t believe it, I did it!

What is the theme?

Perseverance is what it takes to never give up on your dreams.


The coronavirus is changing the world permanently. It will continue to do so in years to come. There is advice for social distancing. We have to wash our hands constantly. Those habits might stick around? The virus will change the economy, government, and our lifestyles. Even the way we think. Everywhere you look, there is social distancing. I fully support this. I feel it will end the pandemic quicker.

What is the text structure?

Problem and Solution


"Quickly!" whispered Yovana to the other fairies, who fitted over the terraformed surface of Mars. The deep the forest was quiet as all of the animals were sleeping. Yet, Yovana and the fairies knew that it was time to put the finishing touches on the spaceship and take off to the neighboring planet, Earth. Although it was not much more than a wasteland, the fairies were tired of the constant fighting with the gremlins. "Is it ready" Yovanna asked Raqar neverously, and he nodded gravely, but not without a bit of doubt. They loaded up and Raqar initiated the launch sequence as they all held hands anxiously.

What is the setting?



Meaning the opposite of the word?

Meaning the same as a word?




Some animals have stronger senses than humans. Dogs, for example, have powerful noses. Sniffer dogs help find people who are trapped. They tell the rescue workers where the victims are. These dogs also smell bombs and alert the police. Eagles and hawks have extremely sharp eyes. This helps them see small rodents from far away. Elephants and cats can hear sounds that humans cannot. Bats and dolphins have echolocation. They can send out sound waves. These waves help find prey.

What is the main Idea?

Many animals have stronger senses than



Sarah didn't play with Laila, the new girl in her class, at recess. No one did. Laila had come to their school after winter break. She wore strange clothes and she spoke with an accent. Then one day, the teacher put Sarah and Laila together as partners on a class project. At first Sarah was nervous about working with someone so different, but then they began to talk. She found out that Laila had a little brother just like she did. Not only that, they both loved to draw and they both collected sea shells. Sarah invited Laila over after school to work on the project and see her shell collection. The girls worked well together and before she left, Sarah gave Laila one of her best shells to take home for her collection. The next day, Laila invited Sarah over for dinner. The food was really different than what Sarah was used to, but it tasted really good. Laila's parents were nice too. The girls got an A on their project, but even better, they became good friends.

What is the theme?

Don't judge people before you get to know them


Social media is a debated subject. Is it good or bad? Social media can affect relationships and attention span. On the good side, social media make communication easy. It can help you make new friends. However, social media has brought negativity too. It can spread negative information. It can lead to bullying. The overuse of social media can even lead to poor sleep.

What is the text structure?

Cause and Effect


Miles grabbed is duffel bag and left the police station in a hurry, ready to get out on his rounds. After driving for a while, he found his suspect. He reached into the passenger's seat for the duffel bag and rummaged for his spy camera, only to find out that it was missing! Miles specifically remembered placing the camera in his bag. Tracing his steps in his mind, he only remembered bumping into the new recruit at the front desk. Remotely, Miles activated the spy camera and was surprised to see a plate of tasty donuts in front of the camera. "Ugh, he really thought it was a pen" Miles sighed, before turning around to return to the police station.

What is the conflict of the story

Miles cannot find his spy camera


“Get out of my way!” the boy screamed at me. He was

barreling toward me as his bike picked up speed as it

rushed downhill. “My brakes aren’t working!”

What is the point of view?

3rd Person 


People who study plants start by looking at the plants. They compare what they see. They later move on to more complicated things. We can compare different plants using our eyes. When we compare plants, it is sometimes easier to use the different plant structures. These structures can be used to compare plants. We can look at the stems, for example. The stems of the banana palm and the basil plant are different. The basil plant has a thin green stem. The banana palm has a thick brown woody bark covering its thick trunk. 

What is the main Idea?

You can compare plants by

looking at them.


Kevin wasn't worried about his book report. He had three whole weeks to get it done. There was no reason to get started right away, especially when he had just gotten a new video game! The next day, Kevin thought about going to the library to pick out a book for his report, but decided to play with his friends instead. He could go to the library on the weekend instead. The weekend came and rather than going to the library, Kevin spent the whole weekend at his cousin's farm. He didn't go to the library the next week either; there was always something fun to do instead. Two weeks passed and Kevin still hadn't picked out a book. By the time he finally got to the library, there was not enough time to read the book and write the report. Kevin tried to write the report without reading the whole book, but it did not go very well. Kevin failed the assignment.

What is the theme?

Don't put things off until the last minute


Rivers wind through the earth. They have eroded the soil for millions of years. This created a large hole in the ground. The hole is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and more than a mile deep. It's known as the Grand Canyon. Home to a surprising mixture of plants and animals. They have lived and evolved within its walls for a long time. The Grand Canyon is much more than just a hole in the ground. Follow a father and daughter make their way through the deep wonder. They discover life both present and past. They show you that a fossil today was a creature long ago. It even lived in a completely different environment.



Joanna jolted at the soft ding of the computer, knowing that the notification indicated that an email had arrived, "Bianca!" she whispered, trying not to disturb the other students who were reading quietly at the large tables. Bianca appeared from behind a bookshelf and slid into a seat beside Joanna. Eagerly. Joanna clicked on the email from their Fillipino pen pal as she exclaimed, "Gosh, I wonder what time it must be there, wouldn't it be the middle of the night?" The girls quickly read the email, with Joanna muttering questions all throughout. "I wonder what her lunch is like... Do you think there's a beach near her house? ... Do you think she has her own bedroom? .. Ho many kids do you think are in her class?" Bianca giggled and said, "You sure have a lot of questions, so why don't you write our reply?"

What character traits would best describe Joanna?




When you prepare your tackle and head out for a day of fishing, nothing will prepare you for catching a sheepshead fish. This strange fish is famous for its very human-like teeth that most people find startling when caught. Generally, the fish is found in the Atlantic OCean along the East Coast of the United States, Canada, and Central America.

Which is the best definition for the word "tackle" as used in the passage?

A. The act of forcefully causing someone to fall to the ground

B. Equiptment used for a particular activity

C. to deal with something difficult

D. to try and get the ball from the opposing player

B. Equipment used for a particular activity


Tails help an animal to move and swing. Monkeys, for example, balance in the trees, and kangaroos use their tails to balance while they jump. Crocodiles use their tails to spin them around and around when they need to catch their prey, while scorpions often have poison in their tails. Beavers use their powerful tails to pat ground down hard and solid. Almost all fish use their tails for swimming and to steer their movement. Whales, dolphins, sharks, and many others use their tail as a sort of rudder to steer them in a certain direction. Birds' tails are very important for steering as well.

 What is the main Idea?

 Tails are helpful to many animals.


It was the day after Halloween, and Mason was going through his stash of treats. He was sorting his favorite pieces of candy, the chocolate bars, from the duds, like the tootsie rolls. His twin sister, Madeline, walked into the room and asked if she could have one of his chocolate bars. “No way!” he responded. “This candy is all mine. Besides, don’t you remember when you said you were going to stay home with Mom to hand out candy this year that I warned you that I wasn’t going to share any of the candy I got with you?” “Geesh!” Madeline replied. “I just asked for one piece.” Then she walked off. Mason knew what would happen when his mom got home. She would make him share half of his candy – favorites included – with Madeline. He wasn’t about to let that happen. He then ate every single one of his favorite chocolate bars. By the end, he didn’t feel so good. In fact, within a few hours, he was very sick and found himself regretting his decision.

What is the theme?

Selfishness can have negative consequences.


The common person might not know the  difference between a road bike and a mountain bike. After all, they both have pedals, handlebars, frames, and two wheels. However, to an experienced biker, a road bike and a mountain bike are very different. A road bike has a lighter frame and narrower tires. These features allow the bike to travel much faster across smooth roads. A mountain bike has a heavier frame and wider tires with noticeably thick tread. These features are key for bikers who plan to ride on off- road trails with rocky terrain.

What is the Text Structure?

Compare and Contrast


The Goddess Nuria looked don at the people of Earth with affection. Then, she noticed a family was trying to tell their child about how adorable they were as a baby. "Your cheeks were chubby and rosy," the mother said. "I'll draw a picture," the father said, pulling out a stick and drawing something that looked more like a monster in the sand. The Goddess took pity on the many families on Earth and decided that she would give them an amazing gift. Taking the form of a scientist, the goddess spent weeks as a human, working alongside other scientists. She had to be careful, making sure that no one would know that she was among the humans. Finally, when her work was done, she returned to her home in the clouds. There, she watched as the humans enjoyed using the new device, the camera, to take pictures and make memories with their loved ones.

What is the resolution of the story?

The people were able to take pictures and make memories with their family.


Cotton candy is a delicious treat made out of one simple ingredient: sugar! It is light a fluffy, as the sugar is stretched into strands that are about as thin as human hair. Cotton candy comes in many different colors and flavors. Some popular colors are pink, purple, blue, and green. Usually it is sold on a stick, in a paper cone, or in a plastic bag. You can often find cotton candy at fairs, carnivals, or amusement parks. Just don't eat too much or you'll have to visit the dentist!

What is the author's purpose?

To describe cotton candy. 


With your body, you can make lots of different sounds. Every sound that you make involves you moving a part of your body. Many musical instruments use movement to make sounds. Let us look at a few common musical instruments. A man plucking the strings on a guitar. When a guitar string is plucked, the string vibrates and causes a sound wave to occur. The sound is amplified (made louder) by the air vibrating in the hollow inside of the guitar. We can then easily hear the sounds produced by the guitar. A drum has a thin membrane or skin that is stretched tightly over the opening of something hollow. As the drummer beats this membrane, the membrane vibrates and makes the sound we hear. The trumpet player blows through closed lips into the trumpet. This makes a buzzing sound, which causes the air inside the trumpet to vibrate. The vibrating air causes sound we can hear.

What is the main Idea?

Sounds involve movement.


Peter really liked Gene, the older gentleman that lived next door. Every morning on his way to school, he would wave and say hi to Gene, who would be sitting out on his front porch. Even on cold or snowy mornings, there Gene would be, standing in his window, waiting for Peter to come out the front door. Peter always waved as he walked along the sidewalk in front of Gene’s house. Peter had become so used to their little routine that he was surprised one winter morning when Gene was not in the window for their daily greeting. The remainder of the day just didn’t seem right. It just felt like something was missing. On his walk home from school he decided to stop at Gene’s house to make sure he was okay. Peter knocked on the door and waited. Finally the door opened. Peter was relieved to see Gene. Gene explained that he had fallen that morning in the bathroom, and was okay, but very sore. That was the reason he hadn’t made it to the window that day. That night, three inches of snow fell. Peter woke up early, got dressed in his winter gear and went to the garage to get a snow shovel. He went to Gene’s driveway and started scooping the snow. He glanced at Gene’s window and saw Gene standing there smiling.

 What is the theme?

Help others in their time of need.

What are the clue words I could look for in all of my text structures?

Description: Details

Cause and Effect: Causes, because of, leads to, since

Compare and Contrast: Both, Similar, different, however

Problem and solution: Solved by, one reason

Sequence: first, next, last, dates


Slowly, carefully, Maria connected and plugged in the two wires and examined her work. She couldn't believe how much this new technology cost, but it was worth it for all the things this brand-new machine could do. Her curly hair in a messy bun, Maria bent over the computer and pressed the power button. She could barely breathe as she waited for the computer to react. A soft buzzing sound finally began and then the monitor lit up as did Maria's face. Once this IBM computer was up and running, Maria could type essays, and perhaps even play solitaire. She couldn't wait to get started. 

What is the climax

Maria pressed the power button, she could barely breathe as she waited for the computer to react


Frankenstein was sad when he joined the other monsters to work on their group project because his father was gone on a weeklong boat trip. Meanwhile, the other kids kept teasing Frankenstein for the metal bar going through his head saying that his brain must have a hole in it. Finally Frankenstein freaked out and burst into tears. "what's the matter?" asked Dracula feeling slightly guilty for being so mean. "I haven't heard from my father, he's on a boat trip and I don't know when he'll be back.," explained Frankenstein through sniffles. The monsters buried the hatchet right then and apologized for not being more considerate.

Which sentence from the story is an example of an idiom?

The monsters buried the hatchet right then and apoogized.