Character Traits
Main Idea
Text Structure
Name one of the books we read in the month of December!

1. A Wish to be a Christmas Tree

2. The Polar Express

3. The Grinch

4. Twas the Night Before Christmas

5. Christmas in New Jersey



You are writing a story about Luca, who gets the highest grade in the class. Choose the best description to show that Luca is proud.

Which one of these sentences shows that Luca is PROUD?

1. Luca smiled at the big red A on top of his test

2. Luca balled up his test and threw it out on his way home

1. Luca smiled at the big red A on the top of his test


Dogs can be good pets but they require a lot of care. You have to remember to feed your dog daily, giving them healthy foods to help them grow and stay fit. You have to remember to walk and play with your dog daily to help them stay healthy by exercising. You have to keep up with their vet appointments making sure they are getting any medical care they may need.

What is the main idea?

Dogs require a lot of care

Janie was enjoying her afternoon in July. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh salty air. She heard the gentle sound of waves crashing on rocks nearby, and hungry seagulls flying overheard. She dug her toes deep in the squishy sand and took a nap. 

Make and INFERENCE, where is Janie? How do you know?

She is at the BEACH


When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

What is the text structure of this passage?

A. description 

B. cause and effect

C. sequence 

C. Sequence

(after that, next, then)


What was the book we read the first day of school?

"First Day Jitters"


You are writing a story about Elizabeth, who is asked to help plan the school dance. Choose the best description to show that Elizabeth is excited.

1.Elena bit her lip and took a step back 

2.Elena nodded quickly and asked for more information 

2. Elena nodded quickly and asked for more information 


Earth is much more welcoming to life than Mars is. Earth's thick atmosphere helps keep the planet warm, with an average temperature of 57°F. In addition, over two-thirds of Earth is covered by water. These conditions make it easy for all kinds of organisms to live here. Mars, on the other hand, has a thin atmosphere and is farther from the sun. Therefore, it is much colder. Mars's average temperature is about -60°F! In addition, the surface of the planet is mostly dry and dusty. Without enough water and warmth, most organisms would struggle to survive on Mars.

What is the main idea of the passage?

Earth is better able to support life over mars


Maia was running late for school. She couldn't find her uniform shirt and she had no time for breakfast! She really wished she hadn't watched that extra episode of Teen Titans, she remembered her eyes being so heavy but wanting to keep watching her show. She regretted her choice now

Make an INFERENCE: Why is Maia running late?

She stayed up really late to watch TV


Name the SIX text structures we learned about this year

1. Description

2. Cause and Effect

3. Compare and Contrast

4. Problem and Solution

5. Sequence (steps)

6. Chronological Order (dates, years, timelines)


Who is the author of "Matilda"?

Roald Dahl


You are writing a story about Sarah, who is hiking in the mountains. Choose the best description to show that Sarah is strong.

1.Sarah stopped to rest again, setting her pack on the ground. "This is too hard!" she said

2. Sarah was sweating under the weight of her pack but she continued to hike

2. Sarah was sweating under the weight of her pack but she continued to hike


Recycling things like paper, plastic, and metal helps the earth by cutting down on trash. Yet many people throw away their newspapers, bottles, and cans instead of recycling them. The question, then, is how to encourage more people to recycle. One way that works is to put recycling containers in more places. Seeing more recycling bins helps people remember to use them. Another way is to teach people why recycling is important. If we make recycling easier and teach people why it matters, more people will join in.

What is the main idea of this passage?

How we can encourage more people to participate in recycling


At the house door Lenny searched his bag. He pulled out his wallet, yo-yo, and cellphone. He found everything except the one thing he needed.Frustrated, he sat down and waited for his brother to get home.

What is an INFERENCE you can make about Lenny? What is he missing?

His house keys


There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory that many people believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth.

What is the text structure of this passage?

A. Description 

B. Sequence

C. Cause and Effect

A. Description

the passage describes one possible theory of how the dinosaurs went extinct


Who is the author of "The Orphan of Ellis Island"?

Elvira Woodruff


You are writing a story about Bella, who is running in a race. Choose the best description to show that Bella is tough and determined.

1. Bella took three deep breathes as she pushed herself to reach the finish line

2. Bella stopped and sat down on the sidelines for a few moments

1. Bella took three deep breathes as she pushed herself to reach the finish line


As the daughter of a wealthy Illinois businessman, Jane Addams did not have to worry about money. However, she was concerned about the poor. During a trip to Europe, Addams visited Toynbee Hall, a settlement house in London. Settlement houses were places offering free services to the poor. Inspired by what she saw in London, Addams opened a settlement house of her own in Chicago in 1889. Hull House was one of the first centers of its kind in the United States. It helped many families who had just arrived from Italy, Germany, Russia, and Greece. The center offered classes, child care, food, and help with finding jobs.

What is the main idea of this passage?

It is all about Jane Addams


"This will only hurt a little" Dr. Thompson said to Megan while preparing her shot. Megan squeezed her eyes shut and gripped her mother's hand.

What INFERENCE can you make about Megan?

Megan does NOT like getting needles 


There are two types of people in this world: cat people and dog people. Which type are you? Well, if you like a pet that is low maintenance, you might be a cat person. Cats are easier to take care of than dogs because cats are very independent. Since they use litter boxes, they do not have to be taken outside to go potty like dogs. Also, cats clean themselves while dogs need occasional baths. If you prefer a pet that requires more attention, you may be a dog person. Most dogs are very loyal and obedient. You can play games like fetch or tug of war with a dog. Dogs will also alert you when someone is outside of your home, whereas cats will usually just stay quiet. Both cats and dogs like to be petted, and they both make excellent pets, but it takes a certain kind of person to own them. Which kind of person are you?

What is the text structure of this passage?

A. sequence

B. Problem and solution

C. compare and contrast

B. Compare and contrast


Who is the greatest reader out of all the 4th grade teachers?



You are writing a story about Jayla, who is in math class. Choose the best description to show that Jayla is smart.

1. Jayla closed her eyes and prayed her teacher wouldn't call her

2. Jayla's hand shot up and she bounced in her seat praying the teacher would call on her

2. Jayla's hand shot up and she bounced in her seat praying the teacher would call on her


Dogs and wolves are part of the same animal family. Both animals have strong senses of smell and are loyal to their packs. But dogs and wolves are quite different when it comes to people. Dogs are used to living with people and get along well with them. In fact, dogs have been called "man's best friend." Wolves, on the other hand, cannot live with humans. Wolves prefer to live in the wild, where they can hunt for their food. Clearly, dogs belong with people, while wolves do not

What is the main idea of this passage?

This passage is mostly about how dogs and wolves are alike and different


When Bruce heard the car door slam he jumped off the couch and ran to the door. He was so excited to see his mom, he couldn't stop jumping. When she opened the door Bruce licked her face and knocked her over.

What INFERENCE can you make about Bruce?

He is a Dog and/or he is excited to see his mom 


One of the most popular, sought-after, and expensive shoes ever marketed are the Air Jordan shoes. The first Air Jordan shoes were released in 1985. These shoes were not legal to wear on the court since they did not have any white on them, but Jordan wore them to every game anyway, getting fined $5000 for each appearance. The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986. These shoes were unique for basketball shoes, because they were made in Italy, which gave them a luxury feel. Two years later, the third Air Jordan shoes were released. These were the first shoes with the visible air pocket in the back and were the inspiration for many later shoe designs. The Air Jordan shoe line has had a long history of successful and noteworthy releases.

 What is the text structure of this passage?

A. Sequence


C. Compare and contrast

B. Chronological

(the information is presented in a time line with years and dates)