We form the sign of the life-giving cross.
To show devotion and honor toward God.
What is Worship?
A combination of the words Three and Holy.
What is Trisagion?
The 2 main doors to the Altar or Sanctuary.
What are the Holy Doors?
We celebrate the Nativity of our Lord on this day
What is December 25.
The most important worship service of the church.
What is Divine Liturgy?
The priest carries out the Gospel in a procession to the Alter. The Alter Boys walk before him carrying lighted candles
What is the Little Entrance?
Who sits on the Throne.
Who is the Bishop?
We celebrate the Dormition of the Theotokos on this day.
What is August 15.
We chant the praises of the angels.
How do we use our voices during church?
A Story with a message that is found in the Bible.
What is Parable?
The time in the Divine Liturgy when the priest and alter boys bring our gifts of Bread and Wine to the Altar table.
What is the Great Entrance?
Who is on the Dome of the Church.
who is the Virgin Mary or Christ?
We celebrate St. John the Baptist on this day.
What is January 7th?
We see the light of Christ in every candle and focus our prayers to the window of heaven, the icons.
How do we use our EYES in church?
The Holy ____________ is the word of God. It is also called the Holy _______________.
What is the Bible? What is Scripture?
The part of the church where people sit.
What is the Nave?
Icons on the Deacon's Doors.
What are icons of Arch Angels Gabriel and Michael/
Who is St. Basil?
We listen to the word of God in the Gospel and Epistle readings.
How do we uses our EARS during church?
One God in 3 persons. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
What is the Holy Trinity?
The Bible is divided in ____________ sections. The first part of the bible is called____________. The second part is called______________.
What is 2 Sections?
What is Old and New Testament?
The area of the church where we enter the church, light our candles and venerate the icons.
What is the Narthex?
We celebrate this miracle on March 25th.
What is the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary?