4th Grade
4th Grade Writing
4th grade
Figurative Language
4th Grade
Reading: Informational
4th Grade Reading: Narrative

Name a Reading test taking strategy that can help help you answer or narrow down multiple choice questions. (there are more than one)

Reread (or look back in) the text, find text evidence, eliminate wrong answers, highlight important parts, RACE strategy, read questions first


What strategy should you use to check your writing when you think you are done?

(Definitely do this before you submit your test!)

Earmuff edit


Give an example of a simile.

Teacher/class decides if correct.


Define Text Structure or give a text structure example?

The way that an author organizes the information in a text

1. Sequence  2.compare/contrast  3. cause/effect,

4. Main idea and supporting details  5. Problem solution


What are some story elements of a narrative? (narrative elements) Name at least 2

Character, setting, plot(beg. middle, end), conflict/resolution, theme


What is it called when you write the events of a story in the order that they happen?

Sequence or chronological order


What is an affix?

Name 1 of the two affixes.

a word part added to the beginning or the end of a word that changes the meaning and part of speech of the word.

prefix  and suffix

I can't believe you finally showed up! I have been waiting forever for you to get here!

What form of figurative language is this?



What is the main idea of a text?

It tells what the WHOLE passage is about.


What are the people or animals that have dialogue in a narrative called?



What do you to to figure out the meaning of an unknown word when you are reading?

Use context clues, or use the words around the unknown word (in context) to help you understand what the word means


The R-A-C-E stand for what in this writing strategy?

R- Restate

A- Answer

C- Cite

E- Explain


What form of figurative language is in the following:

Did you hear about poor Rocko? I heard he kicked the bucket?

An idiom


Define Author's purpose.

Give at least 1 example of an author's purpose.

The author's purpose is the author's reason for writing a a text (what they want you to learn or take away from what they wrote)

Persuade, Inform, Entertain


If the story is written by someone IN the story, what is the point of view? Give an example of at least two words that show this.

First person POV

I , me , my , ours, we , us,


What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?

Give an example of either one.

A fact can be looked up and proven true, and an opinion can be disputed ("Well, I don't think so...)


Name the 3 articles that tell you a noun is coming in a sentence.

A, an, and the


What is Imagery?

Words the author uses to appeal to our five senses and helps create an image/picture in the reader's mind. 


What does it mean to make an inference?

To use what you know( background knowledge) and what the text tells you to make an educated guess.


What are the three main parts of the plot?

Beginning Middle and End


What is the difference between a homograph and and a homophone?

A homograph is a word that has more than one meaning and/or pronunciation.

Example: wind (blows) wind (clock) ring (sound) ring(jewelry)

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word, but has a different meaning or spelling. 

Example: red, read    plane, plain


Every sentence must have....

(There are a couple acceptable answers)

Begin with a capital letter

Have an end mark

Have a subject and a predicate


"Finding friends for fun Fridays" is an example of what kind of figurative language? 



What are some text or graphic features?

(Must name at least 2)

Heading, Subheading, Captions, Photographs, Maps, Graphs, title, sub-title, illustration


What is called when a character overcomes the conflict in the story?

The resolution