Name the two people who created original sin.
Adam and Eve
2 parts of the bible we studied
The new testament and the old testament
What is prayer?
Talking to God
Father in faith
Name the first 3 commandments
I am the lord your God, you shall not have false Gods before me.
Though shall not use the name of the Lord God in vane.
Remember to keep the Lord's day holy.
Who killed Goliath?
There are 73 books in the bible; name the first and the last.
Genesis and Revelations
Each decade of the rosary begins with this prayer.
Our Father
How did God test Abraham?
By asking him to sacrifice his son.
Name the 2 sacraments of vocations.
Holy Orders and Marriage.
During the story of Noah and the ark in the bible, why did God flood the earth?
To wash away the evil.
When was the first mass celebrated?
At The Last Supper
Prayer said when holding he crucifix during the rosary.
The Creed
Jacob's favorite son who was sold into slavery by his brothers.
What sacrament will you receive in high school?
Feast celebrated by the Jewish people years after they were freed from slavery of the Egyptians
Number of books in the bible.
Prayer said during Reconciliation
Act of Contrition
Where did Moses receive the 10 commandments from God?
Mount Sinai
What does covet mean?
To want something that is NOT yours
What was used to carry the 10 commandments to the Promised Land?
Ark of the Covenant
Name the 4 gospels of the bible.
Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
Name all 5 mysteries of the joyful mystery.
The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity
The Presentation
The Finding in the Temple
True God and True Man
Name all 3 sacraments you have received
Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist