Idiom or Hyperbole?
Metaphor or Simile?
Guess that FL!
Things to ponder on...
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! Idiom or hyperbole?
What is hyperbole - it uses exaggeration to over-emphasize that the person is REALLY hungry!
Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball back over the net. Metaphor or simile?
What is metaphor.
Define personification
What is giving a non-human thing human characteristics or qualities.

a word whose sound suggest its' meaning


What is onomatopeia?
What is the written form of a sound like "bang," "pop," or "swish!"

What does, "He let the cat out of the bag" mean? Idiom or hyperbole?

What is idiom. This idiom means someone shared a secret.

Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball back over the net. This metaphor compares Brian to a wall because (A) He was very strong. (B) He was very tall. (C) He kept returning the balls. (D) His body was made of cells.
What is .... (C) He kept returning the balls.
What could, "The heat ripped the breath from her lungs!" mean?
What is ... it could mean it was so hot it hurt her lungs to breathe.

I am so hungry I think I could eat an elephant

What is a hyperbole

The lion waited eagerly to pounce on its prey. What is a synonym for pounce? (1) eat (2) devour (3) jump (4) kiss
What is (3) jump
We have a ton of work to do this next month! Idiom or hyperbole and why?
What is .... hyperbole because it uses exaggeration to emphasize that we have a lot of work, but it doesn't really weigh a TON!
We would have had more pizza to eat if Tammy hadn’t been such a hog! (1)Metaphor or Simile? (2)How do you know?
What is ... This is a metaphor because it does not use like or as to compare Tammy to a hog.
What does it mean when someone says, "The flowers danced with the moonlight?"
What is .... it means the flowers looked like they were dancing under the moonlight because they were moving from side to side.

is a phrase or expression that means something different than what the words actually say

what is an idiom


What is an example of a hyperbole

What is ... (Teacher must grade response)

If you want to wish someone good luck on a performance, how many of the following idioms could you say? "Shake a leg," "You're dressed to the T," "Knock 'em dead," "It's raining cats & dogs"
What is 2 - you could say "Shake a leg," or "Knock 'em dead!"
To get 400 points you must answer all of the following: She is like a rainy day. (1) Is this a simile or metaphor? (2) How do you know? (3) What does it mean?
What is ... this is a simile because it uses the word like to compare the girl with a rainy day. Meaning: (Teacher can grade for appropriate meaning)
"The tree arrested the on-coming deer," could mean what?
What is ... it could mean the deer crashed into the tree; the tree brought the deer to a stop.

The pencil danced across the paper as I wrote

What is personification

What is an example of hyperbole

What is (teacher must grade)

For 500 points, you must correctly write one hyperbole and one idiom (not previously used in this game).
What is .... (Teacher must check for points)
This is a hard question ... one that many junior high students and high school students might not get ... Shakespeare, a famous writer, once said, "All the world's a stage." What do you think he meant?
What is ... he meant that life is like a play and we are all performing every day.
For 500 points, you must correctly make up a sentence using personification.
What is .... (teacher must check for correct response)

Give me an example of a Similie

What is (teacher's decision)


What is an example of a metaphor

What is .... teacher must choose