Multiplication & Division
Place Value & Rounding
Fractions & Decimals
24 x 6
Write the number in standard form. 16 hundreds
1, 600
If you have 7/10 of a dollar, how much money do you have?
You have .70 of a dollar, or 70 cents.
3,453 x 8
Which number (s) can go into the blank to make the inequality true? 52_,450 < 527,422
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Compare 1/2 _____ 1/6
8,429 divided by 7
1204 reminder 1
Mrs. Reece is buying doughnuts for the staff meeting, there are 115 staff members. Should she round to the nearest hundred or ten when she is buying them?
Mrs. Reece should round the nearest ten so she buys 120 doughnuts, if she rounds to the nearest hundred, she won’t have enough for all the staff.
4/5 x 8 = ________ Answer in a mixed number.
32/5 = 6 2/5
34 x 65 = 1800 + ______ + 150 + 20
In 2014, there were 935,292 visitors to the space needle. Each visitor is given a map. Predict the number of naps needed for visitors in 2015. What place value would you round to and why?
Rounding the nearest ten thousand because then they would need 940,000 maps and would have enough if more visitors come.
What is 23/10 in decimal form?
2.3 or 2.30
Mr. Rice was setting up benches for the Spring Concert. He expects that 978 people will come to the concert. Each bench can hold 8 people. How many benches should he set up?
He should set up 123 benches. If he only set up 122 benches, two people would not have a place to sit.
What is the relationship between the value of the 5 in the hundreds place and the 5 in the thousands place in the number 325,532?
The 5 in the hundreds place is equal to 500 and the 5 in the thousands place is equal to 5,000 so the 5 in the hundreds place is 10 times smaller than the 5 in the thousands place.
List from least to greatest 7.75, 7.7, 70.5, 0.78
0.78, 7.7, 7.75, 70.5