Magnets and Electricity
Circuits and Electromagnets
Rocks and Minerals
What is the role of a decomposer?
To break down dead organisms so that nutrients can return to the soil.
What is an adaptation?
Parts of an animal that helps in better survive in its environment.
Which of the following statements is true about a magnet? A)Like poles attract B) Like pole repel C) Two north poles attract D) A north pole and a south pole repel
B) Like poles repel
What types of materials do you need to build a simple circuit?
A battery, lightbulb, and wires
What kind of process changes the earth's surface over a long period of time?
A) volcanic eruption B) A mud landslide C) A sinkhole D) Erosion
Which one of these is a nonliving component of a desert? A) cacti B)snakes C)high temperature D)lizards
B)high temperature
A population is in danger of extinction if... A) It reproduces too quickly B) Its habitat is destroyed C) Its predators disappear D) It makes contact with humans
B) Its habitat is destroyed.
The needle on a compass is a kind of _________. A) electric current B) magnet C) North Pole D) South Pole
B) Magnet
Jennifer wants to turn her simple circuit into an electromagnet. Which object owuld turn her circuit into an electromagnet? A) A nylon rope B) A rubber eraser C) A plastic straw D) An iron key
D) An iron key
What type of rock are formed from extreme heat and pressure?
Metamorphic rocks
A bee collects pollen from a flower's anther and brings it to another flowers stigma. How does this action help the plant? A) It brings food to the plant B) It helps the plant reproduce C) It helps the plant collect water D) It protects the plant from bacteria
B) It helps the plant reproduce
Some caterpillars eat leaves on trees. What would happen if the number of caterpillars in an area increased? A) Birds would not live in the trees B) The trees would grow larger C) The number of leaves would increase D) The number of leaves would decrease.
D) The number of leaves would decrease
A negatively charged object with __________ with a positively charged object. A) destroy B) react with C) repel D) attract
D) attract positive attracts negative!
What's the difference between a simple circuit and a parallel circuit?
A simple circuit has one path of electricity and a parallel circuit has more than one path.
A hiker saw ice in a space in a rocky cliff. Which BEST explains how the ice could change the rock? A) It adds minerals to the rock. B) It breaks the rock into pieces C) It carries the rock to a different place D) It increases the temperature of the rock
B) It breaks the rock into pieces
Some microorganisms, like bacteria live inside bodies of animals. How do bacteria MOST LIKELY helps these animals? A) The bacteria help them avoid predators B) The bacteria help them digest food C) The bacteria help them produce offspring D) The bacteria help them breath by making oxygen
B) The bacteria help them digest food.
What would best help a forest animal avoid being eaten by hawks or owls? A) a small size B) sharp claws C) bright color D) underground home
D) Underground home
In an iron (used for clothes), what type of energy transformation takes place when you plug it in into an outlet? A) Electrical energy is transformed into heat energy B) Chemical energy is transformed into heat energy C) Chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy D) Mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy
A) Electrical energy is transformed into heat energy
What does an electromagnet do to an iron nail? A) It melts the nail B) It lights up the nail C) The nail will bend backward D) The nail becomes a magnet
D) The nail becomes a magnet.
Eduardo found a rock that was hard and didn't have any layers. What type of rock did he MOST LIKELY find? A) igneous B) metamorphic C) sedimentary D) minerals
A) igneous
Where does the producer in a food chain get its energy?
The sun.
An Arctic Fox can change its fur coat color depending on the season. It is white during the winter, and dark colored during the summer. How does this most likely help it adapt to its environment? A) It makes the Arctic fox seem harmless to predators. B) It allows the Arctic fox to camouflage within its surroundings. C) It makes the Arctic fox more attractive during mating periods. D) It keeps the Arctic fox cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
B) It allows the Arctic fox to camouflage within its surroundings.
Which statement BEST explains why a compass points north? A) Earth acts like a giant magnet because of iron in its core. B) The moon's gravity pulls on the side of Earth facing the Moon C) Radiation from the Sun is absorbed by objects on earth's surface D) Electric charges in the ionosphere make an electric field above the arctic.
A) Earth acts like a giant magnet because of iron in its core.
How do you make an electromagnet stronger?
You coil more wire around the iron core, or you get a stronger battery.
Which of these describes how water can change the shape of land. A) Snow falls on the land and makes it bigger. B) Water in the earth causes volcanoes to erupt. C) The oceans push on the continents, changing their shape. D) Water picks up soil and rocks and transports them to a different place.
D) Water picks up soil and rocks and transports them to a different place.