Moon & Tides
Rotation & Revolution
The Sun
Simulations & Models

Which best represents the pair of objects that Saturn is located between?

A - Mercury & Jupiter

B - Venus & Uranus

C - Earth & Mars

D -  The Asteroid Belt & The Sun

B - Venus & Uranus


Saturn is located between Jupiter & Uranus; however, since that is not a choice, the only 2 objects that Saturn lies between is Venus & Uranus.

About how long does it take the moon to complete a cycle of its phases? 

29-30 Days!

29.5 days from New Moon to New Moon


Which verb is most responsible for the creation of day & night?

Rotation of the Earth


True or False:

The Sun has an atmosphere.

True! The photosphere, chromosphere, and corona are all part of the Sun’s atmosphere. -


Draw the Sun/Moon/Earth orientation during the Highest high tide & lowest low tides.

Best Answer: Sun-Moon-Earth in a line in that order.

Okay answer: Sun-Earth-Moon in a line.

New Moon phase has the strongest gravitational pull on Earth's water. Full moon phase also has a strong pull due to being in a line.


The planet that rotates the opposite direction as the Earth rotates is...

Venus - Rotates Clockwise

The Earth rotates counter-clockwise!


Describe what is happening when the moon disappears during the "New Moon" phase.

The moon is being lit on the sun-facing side, or only the side UNSEEN on Earth, so it appears to go dark from our viewpoint.


Which word is most responsible for causing a cycle of seasons?





Verb - Revolve. Earth's tilted revolution causes the seasons.


Point out the error:

Sally thinks that the Earth spins around a tilted axis during its revolution around the Sun. She says that the Earth was formed, then the Sun, and seasons are created by the Earth getting more or less sunlight on certain parts throughout the year.

The Sun formed first! The Sun is older than the solar system planets.


Using the Moon phase pictured, quickly draw a model of the Sun/Earth/Moon locations in space at this time.

Sun - Earth - Moon in that order, left to right in a straight(ish) line. The moon isn't exactly in the Earth's shadow unless during a Lunar Eclipse!


The planet with the most well-known rings in our solar system is........


While the other Gas giant planets also have rings, none so well-defined or as old as Saturn's


What even occurs when the Earth casts a shadow directly over the Moon's orbit?

A lunar eclipse! The moon does not disappear, but instead is illuminated by only light that is scattered by Earth's atmosphere and bends, meaning the moon turns RED!


Which group of planets revolve fastest around the sun?

The INNER planets / Terrestrial Planets


The 4 closest planets to the Sun, in order of growing distance, are..........

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

(My Very Educated Mother)


In the following model, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing what season at the 2 Earth icons nearest to the pointer?


The Southern Hemisphere experiences Summer when pointed at the Sun (Rightmost) and then experiences Winter when pointed away(leftmost). The pointer is aiming in between, so transitioning from Summer-Winter means the season is Fall at the indicated position.


The planet that is the 3rd largest is.....



What is the orientation of the Sun, Earth, & Moon in space when the highest high tides and the lowest low tides are formed?

In a line with each other


In the diagram, the Season in the Northern Hemisphere is....


The Northern Hemisphere is pointed away from the Sun, so less light would warm the areas and Winter is experienced.


2 Lies and 2 Truths: Tell which each fact is........

The Sun is made of mainly solid material.

The Sun moves through space.

The Sun has no atmosphere.

The Sun is larger than Jupiter.

LIE: The Sun is made of mainly solid material.

TRUTH: The Sun moves through space.

LIE: The Sun has no atmosphere.

TRUTH: The Sun is larger than Jupiter.


The following picture shows the meteorite experiencing friction with what?

friction with Earth's Atmosphere


The planet with the strongest gravity and rotates the fastest within our solar system is.....


A day on Jupiter lasts less than 10 hours.


Which 2 Moon phases might be present when high and low tides have the smallest change between them?

1st Quarter & Last Quarter(Half-Moon)

-because the moon would be perpendicular to the Earth compared to the sun's orientation


The imaginary line around which an object spins is that object's.........


The Earth's Axis is tilted about 23 degrees off vertical. The top or bottom half of the Earth experiences Summer when tilted toward the sun, and Winter when pointed away. Spring & Fall occur during the transition to or from Summer and Winter.


Which is the oldest between the Moon,Sun, & Earth, and to the nearest tenth of a billion years, how old is the oldest one?

The Sun is 4.6 Billion years old!

-Earth Age is ~4.5 Billion Years

-Moon age is ~ 4.46 billion years old


The Earth Revolves around the sun in what type of shape's orbit?

Ellipse / Elliptical (Not a circle)