Inquiry Process
History and Nature of Science
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
Life and Physical Sciences
Earth and Space
Which statement is an interpretation of an observation? A. Solar lights use energy from sunlight to make light. B. Solar lights work even on days that are cloudy. C. The energy in sunlight must be able to travel through clouds. D. The light from solar lights is not as bright as other lights.
The energy in sunlight must be able to travel through clouds.
Benjamin Franklin studied me.
What is Electricity?
What harm can droughts cause to an environment? A. Droughts can remove soil needed for plant growth. B. Droughts can cause the loss of wildlife habitat. C. Droughts can cause melting of glaciers. D. Droughts can pollute water supplies.
Droughts can cause the loss of wildlife habitat.
Which statement best compares the stinger of a wasp with the thorns of a rose? A. Both help protect the organisms from danger. B. Both help the organisms stay upright. C. Both help transport nutrients through the organisms. D. Both help the organisms exchange gases with the environment.
Both help protect the organisms from danger.
Which of the following will most likely cause erosion? A. rain falling B. plants flowering C. birds singing D. the sun setting
rain falling
Hailey noticed that there were bubbles in the water glass that she left sitting on the counter overnight. What question can she ask about this observation that she can test in an experiment? A. Does air dissolve into water over time? B. Did any of the water evaporate overnight? C. Why do carbonated drinks become flat over time? D. Is the water's temperature the same as the room temperature?
Does air dissolve into water over time?
Alexander Graham Bell invented me.
What is the telephone?
What good is a thunderstorm most likely to cause? A. Rain from thunderstorms washes chemicals into rivers. B. Wind from thunderstorms removes harmful weeds. C. Lightning from thunderstorms increases nutrients in soil. D. Clouds from thunderstorms protect organisms from sunlight.
Lightning from thunderstorms increases nutrients in soil.
What is one way people use animals to meet their needs? A. to fuel automobiles B. to create electricity C. to make paper D. to carry loads
to carry loads
How can wind change mountains? A. by making them stronger B. by making them higher C. by making them rockier D. by making them smaller
by making them smaller
Ben noticed that after a light rain, he saw several earthworms moving around on top of the soil in his family's flower beds. On dry days, he did not see any earthworms. What is the best prediction for what will happen if there is a heavy rain? A. The earthworms that come to the surface will die. B. The earthworms will hide deep under the soil. C. There will be a few earthworms on top of the soil. D. There will be many earthworms on top of the soil.
There will be many earthworms on top of the soil.
Which job most likely uses life science? A. forester B. engineer C. mineralogist D. astronaut
Which technology helps people communicate? A. microwave B. Internet C. refrigerator D. automobile
Replace... An anglerfish has a worm-like spine on its head that it wiggles to attract other fish. When the other fish get close to the anglerfish, it eats them. Of which of the following is this an example? A. parasitism B. mutualism C. camouflage D. mimicry
Which of the following is formed by water through the process of erosion? A. canyons B. oceans C. clouds D. forests
Which of the following would best help a student find information to use in an experiment testing how long different kinds of flowers stay fresh after being cut? A. a website about desert plants B. a book titled Vegetable Gardening C. a drawing showing the parts of a flower D. an article titled "Plants Good for Cut Flowers"
An article titled "Plants Good for Cut Flowers"
How do the brakes and wheels work together in a bicycle? A. The brakes slow down the wheels. B. The brakes supply power to the wheels. C. The brakes keep the wheels from going flat. D. The brakes provide support for the wheels.
The brakes slow down the wheels.
What good can come from using fertilizers? A. Fertilizers may cure crops of disease. B. Fertilizers may release nutrients into the water supply. C. Fertilizers may cause people to choose more healthful foods. D. Fertilizers may make it possible to grow more food with less space.
Fertilizers may make it possible to grow more food with less space.
Which turns electrical energy into light energy? A. grandfather clock B. popcorn popper C. computer monitor D. microphone
Computer monitor
Which of these processes causes rapid changes on Earth's surface? A. high tides B. earthquakes C. moving glaciers D. mountain growth
Which of the following would best help a student find information to use in an experiment testing how easily different kinds of rocks weather? A. a dictionary entry for "weathering" B. a book chapter titled "Rocks and Minerals" C. a webpage about Earth's different landforms D. a table showing the rocks most common in Earth's crust
A book chapter titled "Rocks and Minerals"
How do the battery and engine work together in a car? A. The engine supplies the battery with gasoline. B. The battery provides power to start the engine. C. The engine stops the battery from losing its charge. D. The battery helps remove heat from the engine.
The battery provides power to start the engine.
Students are trying to classify rocks based on the shapes and sizes of the rocks' grains. Which tool will best help them with this task? A. scale B. watering can C. compass D. magnifying glass
Magnifying glass
Why does a bulb light turn on when one closes the switch in a circuit? A. because closing the switch hooks up the battery B. because closing the switch completes the circuit C. because closing the switch produces electricity D. because closing the switch magnetizes the circuit
Because closing the switch completes the circuit
Which statement describes the weather in New Mexico? A. Albuquerque gets about 10 inches of snow each year. B. The rainy season is during July and August. C. Las Cruces will be mostly sunny and warm this week. D. There is very little rainfall during October.
Las Cruces will be mostly sunny and warm this week.