Columbus's Voyages
Texas Symbols
American Landmarks and
American Revolution
Texas Revolution

Genoa, the region Columbus was born in, is part of this country in Europe.

What is Italy?


Name the Six Flags that fly in front of the state capitol in Austin.

What are: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States of America, and the USA?


This city is home to the Liberty Bell. It was also where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What is Philadelphia?


This battle in December 1776 was one of the major turning points in the American Revolution.

What is the Battle of Trenton?


The reverse side of the Texas state seal has a cannon that represent the first battle of the Texas revolution, which took place in this city.

What is Gonzales?


True or False: Columbus was the first explorer to discover America.

False. The first known "discoverer" of North America was Leif Erikson. 


The front side of the Texas state seal has branches from these two different types of trees.

What are the olive and the live oak?


This woman was credited with sewing the first American flag, one with thirteen stars in a circle and thirteen stripes.

Who is Betsy Ross?


Before Washington was Commander in Chief of the Patriot army, he fought for the British from 1754–1763 in this war.

What is the French and Indian War?


This fortress in Goliad, Texas is the only historical military site owned by the Catholic Church.

What is the Presidio La Bahia?


When Columbus arrived in the Carribean, this indigenous tribe regarded him as a king and initially welcomed him. 

Who are the Taino?


The colors of the Texas state flag (red, white, and blue) represent these four virtues.

What are courage, purity, liberty, and loyalty?

Although the bald eagle is our official national bird, Ben Franklin preferred this bird, which most people like to eat around Thanksgiving.

What is the turkey?


December 16, 1773 is famous for the first call to action in the American revolution, when men from Boston protested taxation without representation in this event.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


The last battle of the Texas Revolution took place in this town not too far from the city of Houston.

What is San Jacinto?


After falling ill, Columbus died on this date.

What is May 20, 1506?


Aside from the Texas Longhorn, these other two animals are considered state symbols.

What are the armadillo and the Mexican free-tailed bat?


This monument in Washington DC was designed by Maya Lin, a daughter of Chinese immigrants.

What is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?


This author of the Declaration of Independence would later go onto be the first Secretary of State and the third president of the United States.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


The Alamo was a mission located in this city.

Where is San Antonio?


True or False: The purpose of Columbus's first voyage was to prove that the world was round.

False. Columbus wanted to find a shorter route to the Orient (India and China).


This state tree produces the state's only commercially grown nut. The nuts from this tree are used in various desserts, especially pie.

What is the pecan?


This city in New Jersey is infamous for being the place where Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr had their fatal duel on July 11, 1804. 

What is Weehawken?


The last battle of the American Revolution took place in the year 1781 in this city in Virginia.

What is Yorktown?


Although this bridge technically no longer exists, there is a historical marker, reminding people of how Texas forces prevented Mexicans from escaping.

What is Vince's Bridge?