Early American Civilizations
Golden Age of the Maya
Hidden Secrets in the Rainforest
Myths of the Maya
Aztec City on the Water's Edge

Why do you think so many civilizations started and flourished around rivers? 

Rivers and valleys had fertile soil for growing crops, water for cooking and drinking, as well as means of transportation.


What evidence is provided as to why this Era was called the "Golden Age" for the Maya?

The establishment of a civilization in which farming, writing, and religion flourished. 

What are glyphs?

Epigraphers spent many years learning to decode and interpret Maya glyphs. What made their work so important?

* They are symbols that represent syllables or parts of words. The Maya used them to record important information.

* They uncover the true nature of the Maya writing system & helped bring ancient Maya to life. Provide important dates and events in their history; they tell stories from the past to their kids today.


Why is the Popol Vuh also called the Sacred Book of the maya?

It is holy or because it includes ancient Maya stories that have been retold for generations about the creation of earth and its people.


In what ways were Lake Texcoco turn out to be a good place to settle?

There was plentiful wildlife to hunt for food; the Aztec built gardens and grew crops; they could grow crops throughout the year in the tropical climate.


what are the geographical features of the Yucatan Peninsula, Which was home to many Maya?

It separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea. Water surrounds the Peninsula on three sides. 


What role did religion play in the daily Maya life? 

What role did trade & commerce play in the Maya Civilization? 

*They believed in the influence of the gods and goddess in everyday life. They built temples and offered sacrifices to say "please & thank you" to them.

* Trade connected people to one another; Commerce made it possible to share ideas and trade goods


What are several reasons the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque is famous?

The long wall of hieroglyphics detailing the history of Palenque, it was built to honor one of their kings; King Pakal, it also contained his coffin with a magnificent death mask and other jewlery.


Describe the characteristics of the Clay people.

Describe the characteristics of the Wooden people.

* Unable to move; could not move arms or legs; dripped in the sun; became mushy in the rain; difficult to understand speech; no communication/ feelings

*They looked and talked like humans; they had children; rigid. 


What jobs/ skills are listed as trades in the text?

Building roads and repairing the temples.

What are the geographical features of the area where the Aztec created their empire?

It was north of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Valley of Mexico and included much of central Mexico.


In what ways did the Maya make use of the plants and animals of the rainforest?

The Maya gathered tree crops such as breadnut fruit; they used plants for medicine; and they hunted game.


The Maya used different symbols to represent numbers. How might people from different social classes have used these numerical systems?

Traders may have used them to keep track of the quantities of items they were trading; farmers may use them to calculate how many crops to plant in a certain area, architects may have used them to calculate how to build pyramids. 


Why do you think the gods used corn on their third attmept at creating people?

Corn was the main food source for the Maya, so it was an important crop to them. It was plentiful, which meant the gods could create a lot of people from it.


What is one example of the Aztec belief trust the gods, humans, and nature worked together?

They believed that if the people angered the gods. they might rattle the earth to release hot lava from the mountains.


What is the role of an Archeologist? 

They learn how people lived in specific times and places. They want to know what these people's daily lives were like.


Describe the game Pok-a-Tok

A game that had religious significance. A game played with a solid rubber ball. Players had to keep the ball in the air without using their hands. They played to the DEATH. Many players were sacrificed to the gods at the end of the game.


The author gives many theories about why the Maya civilization "Crumbled". What are some of those reasons?

 Lack of rainfall led to drought.

destroying the ecological balance of the area

an epidemic 

revolt or war


What words does the narrator use to suggest that the gods were pleased with their third attempt at creating people?

They had succeeded in creating a world of thinking people who were grateful for their lives. Now millions of creatures respected and honored the gods, praising them and making sacrifices to them.


Tenochtitlan was built on a lake and surrounded by water. Why was it necessary to have aqueducts?

The water surrounding them was SALT water; they needed aqueduct's to bring FRESH water from the springs onto the mainland


Who was Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro and what did they do?

They were distant cousins- Spanish explores in the 1500s. They wanted to establish colonies for the Spanish King.


The author states that only the rich and powerful wore fancy clothes and Jewels. Based on the text, what aspects of the nobles' dress could be described as fancy?

Beads, pendants, and earrings; feathered headdresses; and the inclusion of precious Jade and quetzal plumes.


Which modern countries have descendants of the Maya living today? 

Today their descendants live in the ancestral homelands of Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador


According to the Maya myth, in the beginning there was only sea and sky. How was the earth created?

Tepew and Q'uk'umatz shouted the word earth and part of the sea dried up and became land. There were rivers and mountains with trees and plants.


What are some things that led to the success of Tenochtitlan?

* Aztec valued education

* Farmers built chinampas

* Causeways were constructed

* People frequently went to the marketplaces