4th Grade
Writing Responses
4th Grade Edit
4th Grade
Writing Process
4th Grade Revise

Each letter in ADD stands for

What is Answer, Detail, Detail


The punctuation that shows my sentence is complete

What is a period


What is the definition of an adjective?

Describes a noun 


What does the step “Prewriting” involve?  

Brainstorming your answer, organizing your thoughts


Revise this sentence:

She studied for her test on Monday because she wanted to do well for her test on Monday. 

She wanted to do well on her test Monday, so she studied. 


The way I frame 

What is introduce, give text evidence, explain


Edit this sentence: 

The monkeys was swinging in the jungle and they found a delicious bananas. 

The monkeys were swinging in the jungle, and they found delicious bananas.


What do you call a sentence that has two sentences combined together correctly? 

Compound sentence 


What is the 4th step in the writing process? 



Name three synonyms for the word “said”

Answers will vary 


The amount of details I give for each answer

What is 2


Combine these sentences:

The airplane flew quickly through the air. It had to land because it ran out of fuel.

The airplane flew quickly through the air, but it had to land because it ran out of fuel.


What type of writing does an author use to try to get the reader to do something or think a certain way? 

Persuasive or argumentative writing  


What do you do after you are finished with your rough draft?

Checklist! Revise and edit 


Make the necessary revision:

To create a PB&J, you first need to gather supplies. 

Next, enjoy your sandwich.

Thirdly, put the peanut butter on one piece of bread. Jelly needs to go on the other. 

Finally, put the pieces of bread together. 

Answer may vary 


The name of the last sentence in your essay?

What is conclusion

What should be edited in this sentence? 

The beautifulest diamond in the world can be founded in the countrys of japan and germany 

The most beautiful diamond in the world can be found in the countries of Japan and Germany.  


Choose the Alliteration:

A). Yellow Yoyos Are Cool.

B). Darcy Duck Took Debbie Deviled Eggs.

C). Peter Panda Passed Perry the Platypus Yesterday. 

D). Allie Alligator Ate Apples Alongside Andy.

D). Allie Alligator Ate Apples Along with Andy.


Name 4 dead words 

Answers may vary 


Words can you add to your writing to help it flow together?

What are transition words


The different kinds of prompts

What is informational, argument, and literary 


Edit this sentence: 

she went to the Store and saw miss rorick was their bying grapes

What is 

She went to the store and saw Miss. Rorick was there buying grapes.


What type of writing is used, specifically in poetry, as a play on words to help our reader grasp the author’s understanding?

Figurative Language 


What are the steps of the writing process? 

Pick an accent to say them with 

Prewrite, Roughdraft, Revise, Edit, publishing 


What sentence needs to removed from this paragraph? 

Sandra loved gardening. She planted several different plants in her garden every season. Her favorite season is summer. During the colder months, she properly prepares her plants to make it through the harsh weather. After her plants bloom, she gifts some to her friends and family. 

Her favorite season is summer. 


The difference between an SCR and ECR response 

What is ADD and Intro ADD ADD Conclusion


The amount of errors in this sentence:

Edit this sentence: 

how many more chapters do you have left in youre book mrs potts asked

What is: 9

"How many more chapters do you have left in your book?" Mrs. Potts asked.


Conjunction words

What is for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


What do the letters in CUPS and ARMS represent?

Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, spelling 

Add, Remove, Move, and Substitute 


What does revision mean? 

Making our writing better!