Inferences and Evidence
Summary and Main Idea
Story Elements and Text Structure
Context Clues
Figurative Language

 Tessa climbed onto the gray rocks and glanced down. Then Tessa jumped in surprise. Squeezed between two rocks was a gray lizard. Tessa took a quiet step back and held her breath. Soon the lizard climbed out onto the hot rocks and into the warm sunshine.

Why doesn't Tessa see the lizard at first?

  1. The lizard is the same color as the rocks.

  2. Tessa isn't looking down at the lizard.

  3. It is in the sunshine on the hot rocks.

1. The lizard is the same color as the rocks.


  I was thinking of getting rid of my old toy box. However, I knew the box was still useful, so I decided to fix it up. I stripped off the outside covering and found a lovely wooden box underneath. I sanded the sides and edges until they were smooth. Then I painted the box with a dark wood stain. Now I use it to store my art supplies!

Which is the best summary of the story?

  1. At first I was unhappy with my old toy box because it was worn out.

  2. Instead of throwing away my old toy box I transformed it into something new.

  3. Now I have a new box for art supplies, but it wasn't always shiny and new.

2. Instead of throwing away my old toy box I transformed it into something new.


Rainwater can cause problems for people living on hillsides. Rainwater usually soaks into the ground. This makes soil on hillsides loose, and it can start to slide. Many people use plants to prevent this. They put plants on the hillside during drier weather. As the plants grow, their roots go deep into the ground. When the heavy rains come, the roots help hold the soil in place.

When should people living on hillsides put plants in the ground?

  1. during drier weather

  2. after soil starts to slide

  3. when the heavy rains come

1. during drier weather


If you don't water the plants, they will wither.

What does wither mean?

  1. blossom

  2. dry up

  3. grow

2. dry up


As the students ran toward the playground, the teacher told them to hold your horses. The slide and swings were very wet.

What does the teacher want the students to do?

  1. Go horse riding instead of going to the playground.

  2. Wait a bit before playing at the playground.

  3. Stop running around the playground.

2. Wait a bit before playing at the playground.


 All day and night, most elephants are busy eating. Finding enough food and water can be hard for them. A herd of elephants soon eats most of the plants in one place. The herd then has to travel to another place to find more plants to eat.

Which sentence is probably true?

  1. Elephants share their food with other large animals.

  2. Elephants need to eat a lot of food every day.

  3. Elephants eat during the day but not at night.

2. Elephants need to eat a lot of food every day. 


The cars passed by in a steady stream. Blanca stayed back from the curb and waited for the light to change. All around her, people moved about like leaves caught in the wind. Blanca enjoyed the excitement of the city, but she missed the quiet of home too. Back home there was very little traffic. She hardly ever heard a car horn.

Which sentence summarizes the story?

  1. Blanca waits at a traffic light and remembers her quiet home.

  2. Blanca realizes the traffic of the city is too noisy for her.

  3. Blanca does not hear car horns near her home.

1. Blanca waits at a traffic light and remembers her quiet home. 


Mr. Harrington noticed a robin building her nest in a crab apple tree near his house. He knew she would soon lay her eggs and guard her nest. One day, he went out on his back deck and smiled. He knew the robin had laid her eggs. She was making a "peek, tut-tut-tut" warning call. It meant she was guarding her eggs.

Why does Mr. Harrington smile?

  1. He is happy the robin has laid her eggs.

  2. He is glad to be outside on his deck.

  3. He knows the robin will soon leave.

1. He is happy the robin has laid her eggs. 


After weeks of working on her report, Meli was ready to demonstrate what she'd learned.

What does demonstrate mean?

  1. to remove

  2. to create

  3. to show

3. to show


Her smile was the sun to me.

Select the option that best defines the figurative language in this sentence.

  1. personification

  2. hyperbole

  3. simile

  4. metaphor

4. metaphor


Michael loved baseball. He had a new bat his grandmother gave him. His dad had bought him new cleats. He had a good glove, but it was too small. He also had a brand new baseball and a box full of baseball cards. One day Michael went to the sporting goods store and saw what he needed, but he didn't have enough money. For two months he mowed yards and saved every penny he earned.

Based on the paragraph, what would Michael most likely buy?

  1. baseball cards

  2. baseballs

  3. a bat

  4. a glove

4. a glove


 Amandla was working on a report about the history of her school and made a discovery. Her great-uncle used to own the land under the school. Before he died, he gave the land away. The only condition was that a school be built on it. Amandla's teacher was very interested in the report. She hung Amandla's report in the hall, along with a photo of Amandla.

Which is the best summary of the passage?

  1. Amandla finds out she owns the land that her school is built on. Her teacher is very excited about this.

  2. Amandla finds out her school is build on land her great-uncle used to own. Her teacher likes her report and hangs it in the hall.

  3. Amandla writes a report about her great-uncle. She brags about the report and gets her photo in the hall.

2. Amandla finds out her school is build on land her great-uncle used to own. Her teacher likes her report and hangs it in the hall.


In the wild, coyotes eat certain kinds of plants and hunt small animals. In areas where humans live, coyotes eat whatever they can find. Much of what they find comes from humans. Coyotes are known for eating out of garbage cans and gardens. This means coyotes may come very close to people's homes. This can be very dangerous for both pets and humans.

Why do coyotes come close to people's homes?

  1. They are trying to find new and better places to live.

  2. They are hunting for certain kinds of plants and animals.

  3. They are looking for food in people's garbage cans and gardens.

3. They are looking for food in people's garbage cans and gardens. 


Lynne wants to find out when the show starts, so she will inquire at the theater.

Which does inquire mean?

  1. to change

  2. to ask

  3. to move

2. to ask


The newly washed sheets hanging on the clothesline smelled as fresh as spring rain.

A simile compares two things using the words like or as. In the simile above, what two things are being compared?

  1. clothesline and spring

  2. sheets and rain

  3. clothesline and sheets

  4. spring and rain

2. sheets and rain


In 1921, Bessie Coleman became the first black woman licensed to fly an airplane. Back then, no one in America would train a black person to fly. So, Coleman had to go to pilot school in France. Bessie Coleman returned to America. She flew in air shows around the country. She also spoke to young people about following their dreams and never giving up.

What shows that Bessie Coleman wouldn’t let anything stop her?

  1. She came back to America after learning to fly.

  2. She went all the way to France for pilot school.

  3. She performed in air shows around the country.

2. She went all the way to France for pilot school.


 Ashton's job is making maps. In school, he studied geography and math. He also learned that mapmakers need many skills. They need to be able to gather information from many places. They need to be able to sort the information into the best order. Then they need to present the information in the best way.

What is the main idea?

  1. Ashton studied geography and math.

  2. A mapmaker needs many skills.

  3. Mapmakers can sort information.

2. A mapmaker needs many skills.


   There once lived a happy man who grew beautiful flowers in his garden. A time came when no rain fell and no beautiful flowers grew. Then one day the man met an elf in the garden. The elf promised the sad man a healthy garden if she were allowed to live among the plants. The man gladly agreed.

What is the problem in the story?

  1. There isn't enough rain for the flowers to grow.

  2. The elf is trying to play a trick on the man.

  3. The man doesn't want an elf living in his garden.

1. There isn't enough rain for the flowers to grow. 


Bessie Coleman was a famous African-American pilot. She conquered all the problems she faced to become a great success.

What does conquered mean?

  1. fought and won

  2. struggled and tied

  3. defended and quit

1. fought and won


Read the following lines from "Laughing Song," by William Blake. Then answer the question below.

When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy,
And the dimpling stream runs laughing by;

These lines are an example of what type of figurative language?

  1. simile

  2. irony

  3. personification

  4. onomatopoeia

3. personification


Now that the day of the town's annual 5K race was finally here, Flor was feeling a little nervous. She had trained for months, but she knew there were faster runners there. "I'll have to just try to do my best," Flor said. "That's all I can do." The race began, and Flor did what she had trained for. She paced herself and ran as fast as she could near the finish line. She came in third place and was proud of how well she had done.

What shows that Flor does her best?

  1. She is feeling a little nervous before the race starts.

  2. She knows there are runners who are faster than she is.

  3. She trains for months and feels proud of how well she does.

3. She trains for months and feels proud of how well she does.


When you see a ladybug, think how helpful it can be. Ladybugs eat tiny insects called aphids. Aphids hurt plants. Aphids drink juices from plant leaves. This causes the leaves to die. But there is a natural way to stop aphids. Aphids are ladybugs' favorite food. Some people buy ladybugs to set free in their gardens just to eat aphids. Ladybugs might save your favorite plant one day!

Which is the main idea of this paragraph?

  1. People buy ladybugs for their gardens.

  2. Aphids are tiny insects that hurt plants.

  3. Ladybugs are helpful to plants.

3. Ladybugs are helpful to plants.


Each summer, Jacob's family spent a week with Grandpa at his cabin by the lake. Jacob got up late in the mornings. During the afternoons, he made sand castles and swam in the water. Evenings were special. Jacob and Grandpa sat on the dock and told adventure stories. The rest of the year, Jacob and Grandpa continued their stories on the phone.

Why is the setting of the cabin important to the story?

  1. because Jacob enjoys going there to swim and make sand castles

  2. because Jacob and Grandpa get to spend time together there

  3. because Jacob gets to wake up later than he normally does

2. because Jacob and Grandpa get to spend time together there


What does ancient mean in the following sentence?

Scientists often discover ancient dinosaur skeletons when they are digging deep in the earth's layers.

  1. very dangerous

  2. very modern

  3. very fast

  4. very old

4. very old


Sal and Isabella were waiting with a group of teenagers for the movie to start. Sal had been talking loudly and horsing around with his friends for a long time while Isabella just watched. Sal turned to her and asked, "Has the cat got your tongue?

Based on the paragraph, what is the best meaning of the idiom, has the cat got your tongue?

  1. Are you thirsty?

  2. Do you feel sick?

  3. Do you like cats?

  4. Why are you quiet?

4. Why are you quiet?