Conductivity & Circuits
Organisms & Food Webs
Patterns in Nature
Water Cycle

Which of the following are conductors: gold, silver, wool, wood, copper, aluminum, plastic.

Gold, silver, copper, aluminum. These are all metals.


Which soil has the smallest particle size?



Which three organisms depend on other organisms for energy?

Rabbit, mushroom, and earthworm. The daisy is a producer.


Will the next moon phase have more light or less light? Explain using the pattern below.

More light.


What is the source of thermal energy that drives the water cycle?

The Sun


Wires have copper on the inside but are wrapped in rubber or plastic. Use conductivity to explain why.

The inner copper wire can conduct electricity in electronics, but the rubber or plastic outside protects from electric shock because these materials are insulators.


Which soil is made mostly of decomposed organic matter and has the MOST nutrients?



Which of these organisms is most likely a producer? Support your answer with evidence from the food web.


Will the next moon phase have more light or less light? Explain using the pattern above.

Less light.


What is the process at point B? Explain if this is the result of heating or cooling.

Condensation --> gaseous water vapor cools and condenses back into a liquid.

Which material was the best INSULATOR? Support your claim with evidence from the table.

Material 3 was the best insulator because it changed temperature the least (blocked the flow of thermal energy out).


Which of these soils is the LEAST likely to support plant life? Soils: gravel, sand, silt, loam.

Gravel because it will absorb very little water and has very few nutrients for plants to grow.


How many consumers in this food web get energy DIRECTLY from producers?

3. They are: minnows, insect larvae, and snails.


Where would the sun appear to be at 12:00pm (noon)?

Directly overhead.


What process is occurring at point A? Explain whether this is the result of heating or cooling.

Evaporation --> the sun's light and heat causes liquid water to evaporate into gaseous water vapor.


Why is the buzzer not sounding, and what must be done to this circuit to make the buzzer sound?

The circuit is incomplete. Close the switch.


Based on this data, which soil best supports the growth of plants on the farm? Support your answer with evidence from the table.

Soil X (silt-sand soil).


Describe the process of photosynthesis and how it relates to classifying an organism as a producer, consumer, or decomposer.

Photosynthesis is the process by which producers store the sun's light energy in a usable food form (glucose, a.k.a. sugar).


How does the sun appear to move across the sky throughout the day?

The sun rises in the east and appears to move in the sky until it sets in the west.


What process is modeled when the drops run down the side of the bottle?



Why is the light bulb not turning on, and what can be done to the circuit to make it turn on?

The yarn is not a conductor of electricity. Swap the yarn for a conductor made of metal.


Based on this data, which soil is the BEST at absorbing water? Support your answer with evidence from the picture.

Soil 3.


Which organisms in this food web receive energy directly from consumers who eat only producers?

3: mountain lions, coyotes, and hawks. These eat organisms that are herbivores (eat only producers).


Which outline represents where the shadow most likely was at 6:00 in the afternoon?

Position D.


Explain the entire water cycle in terms of how water changes physical state (liquid to gas or gas to liquid). You MUST use the correct vocabulary to describe each step in the process.

Answers vary.