Boxcar Children
Stone Fox
Mathematicians Are Not Magicians
Riddle Me This
Turn the word "ring" into a kind of smile by moving the letter 'g'
What is grin
Name two ingredients we used to make bouncy balls.
What is borax soap, glue, corn starch, warm water, food coloring
234 x 85
What is 19,890
What bait do you use to catch a school of fish?
What is bookworms
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! "I can't believe my dog ate my homework!" Is this sentence in first or third person?
What is first person
Name the process in which a gas changes to a liquid
What is condensation
Which 5 coins add up to $.95
What is 3 quarters and 2 dimes
What letter of the alphabet was caught sleeping in class?
What is Z
Jed was sick. Now he's better. Use a conjunction to connect these sentences.
What is - Jed was sick, 'but' now he is better.
What happens when you add mentos to diet coke?? What type of reaction is this? Physical or chemical?
What is- it shoots out of the bottle like a geyser. It is a physical reaction because the chemistry of each item is not change, they simply react.
Math class starts at 1:23 pm and ends at 2:05pm. How long is class?
What is 42 minutes long
Which school subject does soda pop like best?
What is - fizzz ed.
What is this metaphor comparing- "At night my room is a cave filled with shadows." How would you turn this into a simile?
What is - compares 'my room' to 'a cave' "At night my room is 'like' a cave filled with shadows."
The movie depicting a monster created when a scientist sewed together stolen body parts. Who is the monster named after?
What is Frankenstein. The monster is named for his creator- Dr. Frankenstein.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! How many inches are in 10 feet??
What is 120 inches
What wears funny shoes, a big red nose, and carries school books?
What is the class clown
My mother got a loan from the bank. Is she the borrower or the lender?
What is the borrower
Is a dolphin classified as an amphibian, mammal, or fish? Why?
What is a mammal- live birth
Will went to summer camp for 7 weeks and 5 days. How many days was will at summer camp?
What is 54 days
What do band students sit on?
What is musical chairs