American songs
Flag facts
4th of july
facts for fourth of july
4th of July history

What is the national anthem of the USA?
A. Star Spangled Banner
B. God Save The King 

A. Star Spangled Banner


How many stripes are on the American flag?
A. 13
B. 14

A. 13


The most eaten fruit on 4th of July
A. Mango
B. Watermelon
C. Cantaloupe

B. Watermelon


There is an argument that Independence Day should be celebrated on July 5.
True or False

False! July 2nd 


Where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
A. Brooklyn, New York 
B. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

B. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Fill the missing lyrics:
__________ how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
A. Amazing Grace
B. Oh! Susana 

A. Amazing Grace


Who made the first flag?
A. Betsy Ross
B. Harriet Claypoole 

A. Betsy Ross


The first ever Nathan’s hot dog eating contest was on July 4, 1927.

FALSE! 1926
Rumor has it that three men arguing over who was the most patriotic decided to settle the argument with, what else, a hot dog eating contest! James Mullen was the winner. He downed 13 hot dogs in 12 minutes.


On every Fourth of July the Liberty Bell is rung 10 times in honor of the patriots.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 13

C. 13


The Declaration of Independence was sent to this tyrant ruler.
A. King George III of England
B. King George II of England
C. King George I of England

A. King George III of England


O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties. Above the fruited plain!
A. America the Beautiful
B. God Bless America

A. America the Beautiful


How many stars are on the flag on June 14, 1777 ?
A. 13
B. 15

A. 13


What other country celebrates their freedom on July 4?
A. Rwanda
B. Philippines
C. Bhutan

A. Rwanda


The Continental Congress voted for independence on _____.
A. July 2, 1776
B. July 5, 1775

A. July 2, 1776


This founding father authored the Declaration of Independence.
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. George Washington 

A. Thomas Jefferson


From California to the New York island
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me
A. Red White & Blue
B. This Land is Your Land

B. This Land is Your Land


How many stripes are red?
A. 10
B. 7

B. 7


This company consumes the most fireworks.
A. Macy's
B. Walt Disney
C. Universal Studious 

B. Walt Disney


The number of amendments the constitution has.
A. 27
B. 28
C. 29

A. 27


The Declaration of Independence says all men are entitled to these rights.
A. Love, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
B. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

B. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness


Roses love sunshine violets love dew
Angels in heaven know I love you
Know I love you dear know I love you
Angels in heaven know I love you.
A. Yankee Doodle
B. Down in the Valley

B. Down in the Valley


Executive Order of President Eisenhower dated August 21, ____ , provided for the arrangement of the stars in nine rows of stars staggered horizontally and eleven rows of stars staggered vertically.
A. 1959
B. 1960

A. 1959


America will consume 375 million of this savory entrée on the 4th.
A. Hotdogs
B. Burgers
C. Ribs

B. Burgers


The number of people that signed the Declaration of Independence.
A. 55
B. 57
C. 53

C. 53


______ and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826.
A. George Washington
B. John Adams

B. John Adams