Name an animal that has stripes?
Zebra, tiger, ....
What is 5 + 15?
Hvis den digitale klokken viser 12:30, hva er klokka da?
Halv ett.
Can you name 3 verbs?
To read, to jump and to dance.
What is Lenes favorite color?
Pink and gold
Name an animal that starts with the letter M?
What is 5x6?
Hva er klokken digitalt når skolen slutter i dag?
Can you say three things on the wall that you see in the classroom right now?
Many posters, a guitar and a telephone.
What color is Lenes car?
Name an animal that lives in the forest
Bear, squirrel, moose, ...
What is 100/5=
Hva er klokka digitalt og manuelt når vi begynner på skolen på onsdager?
08:30 og halv ni.
Describe an animal to the rest of the class.
What kind of sport is Lenes favorite?
Padel, handball and football.