Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Cardiovascular Endurance
Body Composition

What is Flexibility?

the range of motion of your joints or the ability of your joints to move freely. Also, the mobility of your muscles.


What is Muscular Endurance?

The number of repetitions of a single exercise you can do without needing to stop and rest


What is Muscular Strength?

The amount of force produced by a muscle.


What is Cardiovascular Endurance?

 the ability to exercise without becoming overly tired because your heart, lungs and blood vessels are healthy.


What is Body Composition?

The combination of fat-free mass or fat mass.


What happens to your flexibility as you get older?

Its decreases, you become less Flexible. (The more you stretch the more range of motion you will have when you're older... atlas 3 days a week)


Examples of muscular endurance:

Full squats, sit-ups, bicep curl, pushups or lifting weights with multiple reps/sets.


What will having poor muscle strength increase the chance of?

It will increase the chance of a person getting hurt/injured. 


Examples of Cardiovascular Endurance.

Walking, Running, biking, playing a sport, jogging, dancing, swimming or any type of aerobic activity.


What exercises improve your body composition?

Pushups, Squats, Lunges, Burpees, Treadmill, or anything that burns fat and increases muscular strength.


Example of Flexibility includes:

Stretching and yoga


What comes first? Muscular Strength or Muscular Endurance?

Muscular Strength. Once you have the muscular strength you are able to do more and more with muscular endurance. For example, if you're not strong enough to do one pushup, you can't improve your endurance because you can't continuously work that muscle.


Example of Muscular Strength

Lifting weights, digging/shoveling, working with resistance bands etc.


Which of the following are considered to be a cardiovascular fitness activity?

A. Pushups.   B. Fat Loss Monitor.   C. 1 mile run.  D. Curl ups.   D. Sit & reach

C. 1 Mile Run


How do you maintain a healthy body composition?

Eat lots of proteins, Do strength training to improve your muscles and burn fat, monitor your body composition weekly to stay on track.


What does improving flexibility help you decrease the chances of?

Decreases your risk of injury


Which of the 5 components of fitness is muscular endurance compared to/most like?

Cardiovascular Endurance because in order to for you to preform a cardio activity long enough to benefit your heart and lungs you need muscular endurance to be able to continuously exercise for that long.


Benefits of Muscular Strength

Increases your ability to do everyday things (opening heavy doors, carrying boxes, etc.), Reduces your risk of injury and helps keep a healthy body weight.


What is one benefit of cardiovascular endurance?

Reduce the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke and other disease. Can also improve lung and heart conditions and increase a persons over all feelings/wellbeing.


How can your body composition affect a persons performance when playing a sport?

Speed, Endurance and power. 


Benefits of Flexibility

Fewer injuries, less pain, improved posture and balance, positive state of mind, greater strength, improved physical performance.


How many days a week should you train your Muscular Endurance?

3 days a week should be dedicated to improving your muscular endurance.


Which fitness test do you do in PE that tests your muscular Strength?



How many minutes per day should you do an intense cardio workout? (5 Days a week)

15-30 minutes per day, at least 75 minutes a week. 


What are the four components that make up the body when trying to find your Body Composition?

Muscle, Bone, Water, and Organs.