Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition

What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

your heart and lungs working together to bring oxygen to your muscles during exercise


What is muscular strength?

The capacity of a muscle or group of muscles to exert force, or the amount of weight that can be lifted


What is muscular endurance?

The ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract and work against resistance for a sustained period of time


What is Flexibility?

the ability to move a joint or joints through their full range of motion without causing injury or pain


What is Body Composition? (hint: what is your body make up of)

Body composition is the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in the body, and is a more specific measurement than body weight alone.


What are 5 cardiorespiratory endurance exercise?

Running, walking, cycling, jumping jacks, jump rope, swimming, elliptical, rowing, dancing, water aerobics, burpees, and more!


When you have more muscle as opposed to fat, what do you burn more of at rest?



What are 3 benefits of muscular endurance?

Injury prevention, athletic performance, better posture, improved sleep, stronger bones, healthier body, improved cardio performance, improve mood and self-esteem, decreased body fat, increased energy levels, healthy heart


What are 2 benefits of Flexibility?

-Helps prevent injuries

-Flexible joints allow for pain free movement

-Helps improve performance in physical activities


What helps to make a healthy body composition? List 3 of the 4 (categories, not examples)

  • Diet

  • Exercise

  • Sleep

  • Stress management


What are benefits of cardiorespiratory endurance?


- Helps perform large muscle and whole body movements at high intensities

- Able to perform for longer periods of time without getting tired

- Strengthen heart and lungs


What are 4 Muscular strength exercises?

Push ups, squats, deadlift, plank, bench press, kettlebell swing, calisthenics, powerlifting, lunges, burpees, wall sit, weight lifting, etc..


What are 4 examples of muscular endurance exercises?

Push ups, plank, squats, lunges/walking lunges, crunches, calf raise, tricep dips, running, swimming, pull ups, sit ups, glute bridges, mountain climbers, farmer walks, resistance bands, sled push/pull, etc.


What are 2 yoga pose names?

-childs pose

-corpse pose

-warrior 1

-Big Tree pose

-Triangle pose

-forward fold

-Mountain pose

-Downward dog




How many hours of sleep does a 13-18 year old need? AND how much screen time should you have less than per day? (Must get both parts right for points)

8-10 hours of sleep, 2 hours MAX screen time


What does cardiorespiratory endurance prevent or help MEDICALLY? (give 3 answers)

- Heart attack

- Type 2 diabetes

- Hypertention

- Stroke

- Some cancers


What is a set and rep?

Set is the amount of rounds you are doing. Reps are how many of the exercise in a row you are doing per round.


What is TABATA?

A high-intensity interval training that consists of eight sets of fast-paced exercises each performed for 20 second interspersed with a brief rest of 10 seconds

It improves cardiovascular health, burn fat, build muscle, increase metabolism, improve body composition, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels


What are  the 2 types of stretches and 1 example for each?

Dynamic stretching

-karokee, high knees, frankensteines, etc.

Static stretching

-quad stretch, glute stretch, butterfly, calf stretch, etc. 

Will also accept passive and active stretching as answers if an example is provided.


What are 5 ways to help with stress management?

exercise, walk, music, drawing, writing, meditating, yoga, sports, bike, talk to someone, to-do lists, nature, be social, eat well, express how you feel, manage your time/organization, etc.


What is the different between cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular?

-Cardiorespiratory is heart and lungs working together to provide oxygen to muscles while working out (Heart and lungs)

-Cardiovascular deals with blood pumped through the body (heart and blood)


Give 2 body areas and 2 muscles in each body area. 

OR 4 body areas and 1 muscle per area

Arms: biceps, triceps

Shoulder: deltoid, pectoralis

Chest: Pectoralis major and minor

Back: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid Major and Minor, Levator Scapulae

Abdominal: Internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis

Upper legs/Buttocks: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings

Lower legs: Gastrocnemius, Soleus


What 7 exercises did we do in class on the TABATA day? NO PARTIAL POINTS

  • Pulse Squats

  • Plank

  • Lunges

  • Crunches

  • Calf Raises

  • Glute Bridges

  • Deep Squats


How can yoga boost the immune system? (3 factors)

Yoga can boost the immune system by stimulating the lungs, heart and digestive system 


What are 3 different food groups?

Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, dairy

Will also accept: nuts and seeds, meat, fish, and poultry