What is the fifth pillar of Islam?
Who should give Zakah?
Anyone who is able to
What is the first pillar of Islam?
What does Sawm mean?
What is Salah?
Praying to Allah
What do men wear during Hajj?
What does Zakah mean?
To clean or purify
What does Shahadah mean?
It means to give witness.
What is the name of the holiday after Ramadan?
Eid al-Fitr.
How many times a day do Muslims pray?
Five times.
What is the name of the holy spring that appeared between the hills when Hajra was looking for water?
When do many Muslims give Zakah?
Anytime, but in Ramadan most do, since rewards are greater
What does Shahadah remind Muslims to do?
To worship only Allah.
When does fasting start and end each day?
Fasting starts at dawn and ends at sunset.
What must Muslims do before praying?
They must clean themselves (do Wudu) and pray in a clean place.
Who started Hajj, and what did they build in Makkah?
Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail started Hajj and built the Ka'bah.
How much of a person’s wealth is given as Zakah?
2.5% approx.
Why do Muslims say Shahadah?
To show they believe in Allah and Prophet Muhammad.
What is the special prayer Muslims pray at night in Ramadan?
What is the direction Muslims face when they pray?
The Qiblah, which points to the Ka'bah in Makkah.
Why do Muslims run between the hills of Safa and Marwah during Hajj?
Muslims run between Safa and Marwah to remember Hajra running to find water for her thirsty baby, Ismail
How does Zakah help the world
It helps poor people, travelers, and others in need, making everyone happier.
What are the two parts of Shahadah?
"There is no god but Allah" and "Muhammad is the Rasul of Allah.
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
To become closer to Allah and to be better people.
Why do Muslims pray five times a day?
To remember Allah and all the blessings He gives.