What does this mean?
To testify (testification) about the belief in Allah and His messenger.
Zakah means...
What does Sawm mean?
What does Hajj mean?
A journey to a Holy place or pilgrimage.
How many parts are there in Shahadah?
2, belief in Allah and belief in His messenger.
Name the 5 prayers.
Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha
Giving Zakah helps which people mainly?
The poor and needy
What month do we do this in?
Which Prophet was the first to call others to Hajj?
Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
Why is this our most important belief as Muslims?
This statement is our declaration of believing in the oneness of Allah and believing in His messenger. This is the foundation of our muslim identity.
When does Fajr begin?
In the early morning (true dawn)
Why is Zakah important?
It helps strengthen our society and help those in need.
What does fasting teach us?
It teaches us to deepen our connection with Allah and seek only His help during our times of difficulty. It also teaches us to be thankful for what we have.
When Hajar was in search of water for her son Isma'il, she ran across which 2 hills?
Safa and Marwah
Nabi vs. Rasul?
Nabi - Prophet (preaches a previous book of revelation)
Rasul - Messenger (comes with a new form of revelation.)
What is the first thing we'll be asked about on the day of judgement?
What are 3 groups of people who can receive Zakat?
The poor, needy, those who collect Zakat, slaves/captives, those in debt, the traveler, new muslims, and those in Allah's cause.
After fasting in Ramadan, do we celebrate Eid al-fitr or Eid al-adha.
Eid al-fitr.
When pilgrims go to Arafah, what is the main thing they do?
They seek Allah's forgiveness. It is the day of seeking His forgiveness.
Can anyone read the Shahadah in Arabic?
Ash-hadu an La illaha Illallah, wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh
How does Salah relate to wudu?
How does Zakat help us?
It helps us build a better community and help fellow muslims out. It is a means for us to make great use of our wealth and earn immense reward.
What's the first verse of the Quran to ever be revealed?
First verse of Surah Alaq
Iqra bismi rabbikal ladhee khalaq.
When Prophet Ibrahim was asked to sacrifice his son, Allah placed an animal in his son's stead. What does this teach us?
That Allah's plan is something that we may not truly understand, but He wants what's best for us. He is the Most Merciful and Wise.