Right Task
Right Circumstance
Right Person
Right Direction
Right Supervision or Feedback

What is something that would be delegated to the UAP? 

What is skincare, ROM, ambulation, hygiene, and obtaining vital signs


Can an RN delegate to the UAP to assist a patient with feeding who had a recent stroke and has not yet had a swallow study? 

What is no? 

Tasks can only be delegated when the patient is stable. The patient has not yet had a swallow test done and the risk for aspiration is high. 


Is it within an LPNs scope to care for a patient who got admitted for a subdural hematoma and has a GCS score of 7?

What is no? 

An LPN can care for only stable patients while a RN can care for stable and unstable patients. 


What is the correct direction when delegating a task to a UAP regarding assisting a patient with a bath? 

What is RN must clearly communicate: the task, whether is it within scope, what is the objective, and any relevant instructions. 

Can you please assist room 18B with a shower today, please ensure he has a shower chair and wrap up his IV line on his right arm so it does not get wet during the shower. 


The last checkpoint or huddle presents all team members with an opportunity to give feedback to one another using step-by-step feedback process.

what is Debriefing


What can be delegated to the LPN? 

1) Planning a diabetic plan of care for a patient with newly diagnosed DM 2. 

2) Placing a Foley catheter in a patient who is retaining urine. 

3) Receiving a patient who is postop an appendectomy and requires an assessment. 

What is placing a foley catheter in a patient who is retaining urine? 

LPNs cannot do the initial assessment nor is it in their scope to create a care plan. 


What is something a UAP cannot do? 

1) Obtaining a set of vitals on a post-op patient

2) Assisting a stroke patient with a full bed bath. 

3) Educating a patient on how to use an incentive spirometer.

What is educating a patient on how to use an incentive spirometer? 

Even though education on an incentive spirometer is noninvasive and simple it is not in their scope to educate however they can remind the patient to use the spirometer.


Is it within a UAP scope to perform a bed bath for a patient who got admitted for a subdural hematoma and has a GCS score of 7?

What is yes? 

The UAP can perform the bed bath as long as the UAP is not assessing the patient for skin breakdown but only performing hygiene. 


What should a UAP do when unsure about a certain task that was delegated? 

What is, the delegatee is responsible for seeking clarification through ongoing communication and asking questions to ensure a full understanding of the task. 

However, it is also the RNs responsibility to ensure that the UAP is aware of what is being asked and how to go about it correctly because ultimately it is the RNs license. 


True or False: 

An RN delegates to the LPN to administer a scheduled tube feeding to a patient. The RN has now transferred full accountability to the LPN for the task getting done, and the RN is no longer accountable for the task.

What is False? 

The RN can delegate this task to the LPN BUT the RN is still ACCOUNTABLE for the task getting done even though the RN is not the one performing it.


The registered nurse is planning the client assignments for the day. Which is the most appropriate assignment for a UAP?

1. A client requiring a colostomy irrigation

2. A client receiving continuous tube feedings

3. A client who requires urine specimen collections

4. A client with difficulty swallowing food and fluids

What is a client who requires urine specimen collections?

The most appropriate assignment for the UAP would be to care for a client who requires urine specimen collection. UAPs do not perform colostomy irrigations and tube feedings because these are invasive procedures. The client with difficulty swallowing food and fluids is at risk for aspiration.


The nurse is giving a bed bath to an assigned client when an assistive personnel (AP) enters the client’s room and tells the nurse that another assigned client is in pain and needs pain medication. Which is the most appropriate nursing action?

1. Finish the bed bath and then administer the pain medication to the other client.

2. Ask the AP to find out when the last pain medication was given to the client.

3. Ask the AP to tell the client in pain that medication will be administered as soon as the bed bath is complete.

4. Cover the client, raise the side rails, tell the client that you will return shortly, and administer the pain medication to the other client.

What is cover the client, raise the side rails, tell the client that you will return shortly, and administer the pain medication to the other client?

The appropriate action in this situation is to ensure the safety of the client receiving the bed bath and to prepare to administer the pain medication. Options 1 and 3 delay the administration of medication to the client in pain. Option 2 is not the responsibility of the AP.


Which client would the nurse most appropriately assign to the licensed practical nurse?

1) A client who requires a bed bath

2) An older client requiring frequent ambulation

3) A client who requires hourly measurement of vital signs

4) A client requiring abdominal wound irrigations and dressing changes every 3 hours

What is a client requiring abdominal wound irrigations and dressing changes every 3 hours? 

When delegating nursing assignments, the nurse needs to consider the skills and educational level of the nursing staff.  The LPN is skilled in wound irrigations and dressing changes and, most appropriately, would be assigned to the client who needs this care. UAP can be assigned to other tasks.


What are the 4 C's

What is Clear, Concise, Correct, Complete


Entails providing direction, evaluation, and follow-up by the RN for nursing tasks that have been delegated

what is Supervision