Trade You for Takis
Broken Hammer
That's My Seat!
Avengers Unite

The 13 colonies were divided into what 3 regions?

New England, Middle (Mid-Atlantic), Southern


How did most colonists earn a living? 



How were enslaved Africans brought to the American colonies? What is the Middle Passage?

Traded to European trader ships for guns and other goods. Made the journey to the Americas known as the Middle Passage


Wars broke out amongst the colonists and the American Indians. What caused such wars to become more violent?

Introduction of gunpowder


What was the main cause of the fight between the British and the French?

Both sides (French and British) claimed the land in the Ohio River Valley


What are two reasons the colonists of New England did not rely on farming?

Short growing seasons, thin soil


How did colonists get what they needed? (2)

Sold crops to pay for necessities

Barter = trade one good or product for another


How did enslaved Africans become the property of colonists? 

Sold in auctions to the highest bidder


How did differences in the way American Indians and British settlers view the land contribute to conflict?

Indians do not have a system of private land ownership / held no individual owned land


What caused the war to be called the French and Indian War?

British fought French and their American Indian allies


What factors made the Middle Colonies better than New England for farming?

Rich soil, warmer climate/more sun and rain (more rain for middle)


How were the ways that people lived in New England and the Middle Colonies similar?

Both regions took advantage of the ocean


What were two ways that an enslaved person might become free?

Buy their freedom or a slaveholder might set them free


Why was Jamestown less successful than some other colonies?

Located in a swampy area with polluted water, lots of insects that carried disease


Why did the Iroquois switch sides?

Hoped the British would let them keep control of their land


How did Roger Williams’s beliefs differ from the Puritans?

Believed leaders did not have the right to require everyone to worship in exactly the same way. Puritans didn’t believe in freedom of religion, even though they came to Massachusetts to practice their religion freely


What's the difference between an export and an import?

Export: Product sold to another country (out)

Import: Product bought from another country (in)


Why did slavery grow as a source of labor on Southern farms more than on Northern farms?

South: required many workers to tend, pick, and prepare plants for shipping

North: Did not grow crops that required a large numbers of workers


How did the Pequot War end? What did the colonists do with the survivors?

Both sides won battles. Puritans attacked and killed the Pequot village. Colonists sold survivors into slavery.


What were two events that caused the war to shift in Britain’s favor?

Sent reinforcements from Europe, Iroqouis joined forces with British


How were the views of the Quakers different from the Puritans? (3) 

Quakers believed that people could pray in their own way. Religious freedom. All people had an inner light. Women could be church leaders


What was the triangular trade?

Network of trade among England, West Africa, and the colonies/West Indies


What are some ways enslaved Africans fought against slavery? (6)

Taught themselves how to read and write, break tools/destroy property, set fire to property, work slowly, stealing food, escape to secret villages 


What caused King Philip’s War?

Wampanoag leader began a war against New England colonists.  / English settlers were colonizing land that American Indians claimed as their own / Wanted their land


What effect did the 1763 treaty ending the French and Indian War have on the development of the colonies?

French surrendered much of its territory in North America east of the Mississippi River