Number one cause of injuries in child care.
What ages are children not aware of others safety and may contribute to the harm of others?
0 to ...
Where do injuries happen?
Who can promote safety?
Children climbing trees.
This type of risky play is...
What are ways to prevent bicycles injuries for children?
Riding Paths.
SA programs develop policies.
This age group:
Falls downstairs, pulls on cords, grabs cups off counter, becomes tangled in drapes, pulls off small pieces of toys.
Where do injuries happen the most?
Home (designed for adults).
What two words should we refrain from using as educators to promote safety?
"Be careful".
Two children are wrestling each other.
This type of risky play is called...
Rough and tumble.
These types of injuries were not done on purpose to cause harm to someone.
Unintentional injuries.
This age group:
Becoming more independent, use more of their decision-making skills in situations, can be oblivious when they are so involved in an activity.
When can injuries happen?
What type of play can educators allows children to engage in to promote safety?
Risky play.
Children are playing hide and seek.
This type of risky play is called...
Lost and disappearing.
There are three types of traffic related injuries for children. They are...
Not in proper car seats.
Lack or in proper seat belts.
Running/playing on street.
This age group:
Becoming more confident, unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, preoperational stage of cognitive development, adapt at running and climbing.
When do injuries happen (location) the most at childcare?
What are ways educators can prevent safety risks?
Safety Checklists/Playground Checks
Training/First Aid CPR
First Aid kit/ Emergency backpack
Medical/Allergy forms
Inform health and safety rep if something is unsafe
Children's documentation for field trips.
Children are using knives to whittle sticks.
This type of risky play is called...
Dangerous tools.
What are 4 threats to breathing for children.
Food, unsafe eating behaviour, toys.
Latex balloons.
Furniture/equipment can trap a child.
What are some factors to why injuries happen?
Peer influence
Parental responses to children in risky behaviour.
Risk perception.
When can injuries happen?
Children are tired/hungry.
When children are new to a program.
Less supervision from adults.
Ratios not adequate.
Routine is disrupted.
New equipment.
Field trips/new places.
Educators' observation skills are essential to promoting safety.
6 elements educators observe for safety.
Changes in children's and cognitive skills.
Change layout of room.
Hazardous equipment/playing surfaces.
Inappropriate use of equipment.
Tired/hungry children
Questionable use of safety rules or levels of supervision.
A few children are walking close to a creek.
This type of risky play is called...
Dangerous elements.