Constant of Proportionality Equations

How do you know what a proportional relationship is on a graph.

If it passes through (0,0) it is proportional.


What equation would represent a person's $12 per hour earnings. In order to have an equation, you would have to use y=kx and in this case k would be 12.



Is this graph proportional and why?

Yes. Because it has a proportional deposit of 1.5


What is proportion?

Proportion is a mathematical comparison between two numbers. 


A girl reads 27 pages in 9 minutes. At what rate does she read? Write an equation for this relationship. Use y=kx. To solve, divide how many pages she reads by how many minutes.

The girl reads 3 pages per minute. 



A helicopter propeller spins 2,400 revolutions in 4 minutes. What is the constant of proportionality(K), in revolutions per minute? Solve by dividing 2,400 by 4.

The constant of proportionality is k=600 RPM.


What is a proportional relationship.

Proportional relationships are relationships between two variables where their ratios are equivalent. You can tell by calculating the ratio of each pair of values.


Joann sells 16 apples for $8.00. What is the unit price for each apple? Solve by dividing 16 by $8.00. Answer by using y=kx



Jeff earned $400 working a 40-hour work week. Find Jeff's hourly wage and use it to predict how much he will make if he works for 47 hours. Find his hourly wage by dividing 400 by 40.

Jeff makes $10 per hour and would make $470 in 47 hours.


What is the constant of proportionality

The constant of proportionality is the letter (K).


If I have 1 red apple and my friend has 4 green apples and we doubled are apple trees set up an equation where x is the number of red apples and y is the number of green apples. where y is the subject. Set and equation up with the proportional numbers.( Do not solve equation just set it up)

The correct answer is y=4x. 


Lenasia earned $640 in a 40-hour work week. What is Lenasia's hourly rate of pay? Divide the two numbers by each other for a hourly wage pay.

Lenasia earns $16 per hour