What nationality are people from Egypt?
Answer the question correctly:
Is your teacher Scottish?
No, she isn´t.
She´s Irish.
Count to 10 with perfect pronunciation.
Teacher evaluates.
What object has centimetres?
A ruler.
How do you spell Ethiopian?
What country is famous for choocolate and watches?
What´s your marital status?
I´m married/divorced/single/a widow.
How do you spell 15?
Can you name five things in a hotel?
Reception, bar, double/single room, lift, key, ground floor, receptionist.
What nationality are people from France?
Right or wrong?
She´s is a teacher.
She´s a teacher.
How do you spell 40?
Translate into English:
¿Puedes repetir eso, por favor?
Can you repeat that, please?
Can you sign here, please?
Do the action.
Firma un papel.
What are the countries in Great Britain?
Scotland, Wales and England.
Sonia´s father is an architect.
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) name is Brian.
His name is Brian.
Say these numbers with perfect pronunciation:
18, 40, 60, 19, 50.
Teacher evaluates.
What´s the question?
How do you spell Australia?
Can you say this number correctly:
60 538
Sixty thousand five hundred and thirty-eight.
What exactly is the U.K.?
The United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Ask a question:
Who/you/favourite singers?
Who are your favourite singers?
89 + 42 =
eighty-nine plus forty-two is:
one hundred and thirty-one.
Name two objects you need for a pencil.
A rubber and a sharpener.
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T, S, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A.