Retirement & Pop Culture

This term refers to the minimum amount that IRA and retirement plan account owners generally must withdraw annually when they turn age 73.

A - What is RMD?

B - What is WMD?

C - What is LED?


This term was coined by Gustav Le Bon and concerns individuals in a group acting collectively without centralized direction.

A – What is community plagiarism?

B – What is herd mentality?  

C – What is copycat bias? 


This is the total expense ratio for the TSP’s 2025 lifecycle fund.

A - What is 5.0%

B - What is 0.5%

C - What is 0.05%


The Department of Labor was signed into being by this president in his final hours in office, on March 4, 1913.

A - Who was President William McKinley?

B - Who was President William Taft?

C - Who was President Warren G. Harding?

D - Who was President Teddy Roosevelt?


These childrens names conclude the following verse from the Beatles’ song “When I’m 64”.

Every summer we can rent a cottage / In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear/ We shall scrimp and save/ Grandchildren on your knee …

A - Who were Vera, Chuck, and Dave?

B - Who were Laura, John, and Maeve?

C - Who were Max, Dustin, and Steve?


This retirement plan type is not protected under ERISA.

A - What is a 401(k) plan?

B - What is a defined benefit pension plan?

C – What is the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)?


This term describes people’s tendency to make decisions so today will be less painful, even when it is not in the best interest of their future self.

A – What is Netflix-bingeing?

B – What is loss aversion?

C – What is present bias?


This percentage of Americans surveyed answered, correctly, that an individual company stock usually does not provide a safer return than a mutual fund.

A - What was 90%?

B – What was 50%?

C – What was 10%?


ERISA became law less than a month after this event in 1974.

A -What was Richard Nixon announcing his resignation post-Watergate?

B - What was the United Nations General Assembly granting the Palestine Liberation Organization observer status?

C -What Muhammad Ali boxing George Foreman in Zaire?


This film about retirees who enjoy new vitality after swimming with extra-terrestrial vessels in their swimming pool was a popular release in 1985.

A - What was E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial?

B - What was Cocoon?

C - What was Splash?


The collapse of this company’s defined benefit pension plan in 1963 is often cited as a catalyst leading to the eventual passage of ERISA.

A - What was Bethlehem Steel?

B - What was Studebaker Auto?

C - What was Sears Holdings?


This term describes a cognitive bias that occurs when people rely too much on pre-existing information or the first information they find when making decisions.

A - What is Boomeranging?

B - What is Anchoring?

C - What is Lassoing?


This term describes a grouping of investments that exhibit similar characteristics and are subject to the same laws and regulations?

A - What is an asset class?

B - What is a security?

C - What is a ERISA plan menu?


The first private pension plan in the United States was established in this year. 

A - What was 1921?

B - What was 1959?

C - What was 1875? 


A short story of this name, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was loosely used as the basis for a film that won Academy Awards for Best Makeup and Best Visual Effects.

A – What is the Great Gatsby?

B - What is Avatar?

C - What is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?


Although there is no tangible evidence that the Act was named after her, ERIS is the Greek Goddess of this societal element.

A - What is Discord?

B - What is Mischief?

C – What is Justice?


This term describes a bias that pushes investors to believe that a company that has performed well in the past will continue to do so in the future.

A - What was past is prologue?

B - What is representativeness heuristic?

C - What is the best predictor fallacy?


This type of investment is generally considered a security and is therefore regulated by the SEC in addition to DOL.

A - What is a collective investment trust?

B - What is a fixed indexed annuity?

C -What is a mutual fund?


In the 1920s and 1930s, this was an example of a generous benefit provided by some railroad pension plans.

A – What were retiree vacations?

B – What was retiree housing?

C – What was retiree food?

D- What was retiree happy-hour?


This actor is the oldest to have won an Oscar for acting (Lead or Supporting).

A - Who was Christopher Plummer?

B - Who was Jessica Tandy?

C - Who was Anthony Hopkins?

D - Who was Sidney Poitier?


BONUS - Demographics

This individual is the oldest human on record.

A – Who was Jedediah or “Jed” Clampett of Beverly Hills, a man who lived to be 115 years and 36 days?

B – Who was Jiroemon Kimura of Japan, a man who lived to the age of 116 years and 54 days?

C – Who was Jeanne Calment of France, a woman who lived to age 122 years and 164 days?


BONUS - Demographics

In 2022, this percentage of U.S. households had 1 or more pets.

A - What was 20%?

B - What was 50%?

C - What was 70%?


BONUS - Demographics

Of babies born in 2007, 50 percent are expected to live until this age.

A – What is 95?

B – What is 100?

C – What is 104?


BONUS - Demographics

This is the estimated number of Americans over age 65 in 2030.

A – What is 35 million?

B – What is 49.2 million?

C – What is 74 million?




This is the age at which someone can join AARP—the American Association of Retired Persons.

A- What is 50?

B - What is 65?

C - What is 18?

D - What is 67?