Give the correct Order of Operations
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply or Divide, Add or Subtract
9 - 3 x 2=12
Correct answer is 3. Do x then -, not - then x.
3 + 4 x 5
14 — 2 x 7
What is our school mascot?
The Wildcat
Why is knowing how to do things in order important?
Because doing things in order prevents mistakes!
12 + 4(3-1) – 5 = 27
Correct answer is 15. Start with the parenthesis, then x, then + and –
7 + (2 x 4) - 1
49 ÷ (3+4) + 5
What is the first line of our school song?
"Let's give a cheer for West . . ."
What is the saying or acronym we use to remember the order of operations?
PEMDAS—Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
4 + 5 + 7 - 3 x 2 = 26
You need to follow PEMDAS and do x first. Correct answer is 10.
5(4+3) — 6
5 + 24 ÷ 2(5+1)
Who is our school principal?
Dr. Codron
Review: what's the method we use to divide fractions?
KFC: Keep, Change, Flip
20/6 x 32/12 = 640/12
Ab/c = 88/9
4x – 16
Solve for x when x is 3
16x – 5
Solve for x when x is 2
What is the address of the school?
501 N. Parkside
Review: how do you convert improper fractions to mixed numbers using a calculator?
The Ab/c button!
Review: 41/12 ÷ 21/8
49/12 x 8/17 = 392/204
Ab/c 147/51
27 + 2x
Solve for x when x is 5
3 – 7x
Solve for x when x is 1
How many minutes is each of our class periods?
49 minutes