a big ball of hot gas:
Gravity is a ......... force
the earth spin in space is called:
earth rotation
the sun can move
the moon takes around ............ to move around the earth
a month
stars look small because they are:
very far away.
What keeps you from floating into space:
the earth makes one spin every:
24 hours
when the sun seems to rise at morning:
the sun shines on the moon.
you can see only one star at day which is:
the sun
The closest large object to the earth:
the moon
what causes day and night?
earth rotation
when the sun seems to set at evening:
what makes the moon bright at night.
sun shines on moon
The closest star to the earth:
the sun
what keeps the moon close to the earth:
the gravity
the side of earth that faces the sun:
the sun seems to move because of:
the rotation of the earth
the changing shapes of the moon are called:
moon phases
a harmful effect of the sun:
Astronauts fly in space because:
there is no gravity in space
the side of the earth that faces away from the sun:
the sun is high in the sky around:
when the moon looks like a big round circle we call it:
full moon