Social Skills
Life Skills

True or False.

I can just ask my question out loud if I want the teacher's attention.


Raise your hand.


Should ice cream be kept in the refrigerator?

No, the freezer.

How many times should you ideally brush your teeth in a day?

You should brush your teeth ideally after every meal.


True or False.

You should look behind you to see if there is anyone or anything there before closing the garage door.



What family of dinosaur does quetzalcoatlus belong to? Theropod, Ceratopsian, or Hadrosaur?

None, quetzalcoatlus is not a dinosaur

What should you do before entering a room with a closed door?



True or False.

When changing a tire, it is okay to leave the flat tire behind.


Always take the old tire with you.


True or False.

It's okay to not wash your hands after using the bathroom now and again.


You should always wash your hands after using the bathroom.


What number should you call if you see a car accident?



What is the name of the main villain in Ghostbusters II?

Vigo the Carpathian


If someone doesn't pick up the phone is it okay to keep calling them?

In an emergency, it could be? But generally wait an appropriate amount of time first, or leave a voicemail, and/or send a text.


You see a new Pokemon game is out now and you want to get it but in order to buy it you would need to pull from your Rent money for the month. Is it worth it to buy the game now anyway?

You should budget and make sure that you have enough to pay your rent on time and then save for the game later.


When should you put moisturizer on your skin?

When you have showered or washed your hands. Or when you feel dry or itchy.

Your mom needs to use a ladder to get to something on the roof. What should we do?

Offer to hold the ladder for her to stabilize it and make sure you can spot her.


How many years is a term for a congressional representative? 

two years.

You walk up to a group of kids you don't know and take out your phone to share memes with them. Is this okay?

No, you should introduce yourself first, engage in conversation and then ask if they would like to see them.


What should you do before a job interview?

Figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Research the company and figure out what skills you can highlight to benefit the company.


It's a hot summer day and you can smell your own body odor. What can we do about this?

Put on deodorant, cologne if you have any. Go take a shower if possible.


You see a strange, large dog wondering around the street. The dog doesn't have a collar on, what should you do?

Open Ended. Call Animal Control, Call 911, Assess if the dog is dangerous, etc


What is the capital of Afghanistan?



You are in a conversation with someone and you are not quite engaged in the current topic. What is the best way to talk about something you want to talk about?

You should actively listen to what they have to say and see if you can find a natural transition point to transition the conversation to something that you like.

Your friend is struggling in class with something that you perfectly comprehend. You try to teach them what to do. How steps can we take to make sure they understand?

Ask them periodically if they are confused. Have them try to teach back to you in their own words what you just explained.


You see your mom is getting ready for a nice night out with her friends when you see that she has a stain on her dress. What should you do?

Let her know that she has a stain and point it out.


A stranger asks you and your friend if you want a ride. Before you can even respond, your friend says, "yes." What do you do?

Open ended. Try to talk your friend out of getting in. Make sure they know who it is, etc.


Which US President had an alligator for a pet?

John Quincy Adams