I am arriving to school after the bell has rung.
Sign in at student services
I need to go to an appointment during school time
A note given to student services
What highschool did I attend
Menzies College
Who is the Mayor of Invercargill
Nobby Clark
In 'Harry Potter' what does the spell 'leviosa' do?
Makes something levitate
I have forgotten my device at home today
Borrow a laptop from the library before school begins
I have done something silly inside/outside the classroom and I might be in trouble
Tell Miss Knapp as soon as possible
What is my favourite chocolate flavour
Creamy Milk
What is the name for a group of crows
What is the main characters name in 'Ratatouille'
I don't feel very well
See student services
When do I eat during the day
Morning tea and lunch time
What pet do I own
What year did SGHS open
What is the name of the movie that retells the life of Elton Jon?
I have left my pencil case at home.
Ask a friend VERY nicely
I need to use the bathroom
Get a pink slip
List 3 things you might find me doing in the weekend
Watching tv
Walking the dog
At sport
How many dots appear on a pair of dice
Who plays Katniss Everdeen in the 'Hunger Games'?
Jennifer Lawrence
I am confused about the task I have been given.
Someone has sent me something on my device that I am not sure about
Tell Miss Knapp
What is my favourite animal (Marine animal)
Which artist has the most streams on spotify
Taylor Swift
In 'Finding Nemo' what is the address Dory remembers?
P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney