_____ ______ in Texas are ratings that reflect how much a worker has been permanently affected by their work injury.
What is 'Impairment ratings?'
A person with this diagnosis has a hard time focusing, impulsiveness and sitting still making finishing things very hard.
What is 'Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'?
As the nation's _____- largest city, Houston at the dawn of the 21st Century is a melting pot of peoples and cultures, a dynamic community of world-class art, entertainment, food and attractions.
What is '4th'?
Eminem's 8 Mile is named after a road in this city
What is 'Detroit'?
_____ is the capital city of California
What is 'Sacramento'?
The state agency that administers and regulates the workers’ compensation system through the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC)
What is the 'Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)'?
A person with this diagnosis experiences dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, energy and ability to think clearly. People with ______ experience high and low moods—known as mania and depression
What is 'Bipolar'?
The Houston Astros won the World Series in this year and in 2022
What is '2017'?
This rapper was famously shot in Las Vegas in 1996
Who is 'Tupac Shakur'?
This is the perfect score in bowling
What is '300'?
This person is not a licensed attorney. They are a state employee whose job it is to help you know and understand the workers’ compensation rules and procedures, and to assist with filing forms.
What is an 'Ombudsman'?
Re-experiencing the trauma means that memories of the event play over and over in your mind. These memories can come back as ‘______’ during the day, or as ______ at night.
What is 'flashbacks, nightmares'?
Houston earned the nickname _____ _____because NASA has a command center located there.
What is 'Space City'?
The song "Oops...I Did It Again" was released by this artist
Who is 'Britney Spears'?
If you are born on November 22nd then your astrological sign is _______
What is 'Sagittarius'?
Once an injured worker’s healing process has slowed and little (or no) improvement is expected, then that employee is said to have reached this.
What is 'Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)'?
Addiction is a ______. Addiction causes changes in the brain's structure and functioning. It is not caused by poor willpower or character flaws.
What is 'Disease/ illness'?
Current Mayor of Houston
Who is 'John Whitmire'?
The first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Who is 'Arethra Franklin'?
You are in this country if you are visiting the Taj Mahal
What is 'India'?
If the impairment rating is ___ percent or greater, the employee may also receive Supplemental Income Benefits (SIBS).
What is '15'?
True or False: There is no evidence to suggest that a certain race or cultural group is more susceptible to having a mental health challenge.
What is 'FALSE'?
The iconic 5-sided _______ Tower in Houston is the world’s tallest pentagonal building with 75 floors over 1,002 feet. Also, tallest building in Texas.
What is ' J.P. Morgan Chase'?
Who is 'Beyonce'?
This is your body's largest organ