Not Kansas City or Memphis style, Mr. Shimkus developed his own method of this.
STAR benchmark assessments are used to provide students and teachers performance information in which subjects?
Math and ELA
After a parent meeting or a phone conference a teacher must log details of the communication here.
Phone Journal in eSchool
Although previously an East Hampton "star," Mr. Shimkus grew up in this nearby village
Not the Symposium of Geometry, SGP stands for this and measures student progress from one benchmark to the next
Student Growth Percentile
Most of the chocolates sold on our next half day are in the shape of this
Benjamin Franklin recommended the formation of this first American volunteer organization in 1736, of which Mr. Shimkus has been a member for 18 years.
Fire Department
Students with a score of 40 or more on this indicator which compares student performance nationally are most likely at or above grade level
Percentile Rank
The first step to ensuring positive social and emotional well-being of our students is to incorporate this program into our weekly schedule
Second Step