How do you say...
a workbook in French?
C'est un cahier.
How do you say...
a gym in French?
C'est un gymnase.
How do you say...
The dog is yellow
in French?
Le chien est jaune.
How do you say...
Monday in French?
C'est lundi.
How do you say...
January in French?
C'est janvier.
How do you say...
a backpack in French?
C'est un sac a dos.
How do you say...
two libraries in French?
C'est deux bibliotheques.
How do you say...
The cat is black
in French?
Le chat est noir.
How do you say...
Tuesday in French?
C'est Mardi.
How do you say...
February in French?
C'est fevrier.
How do you say...
a pen in French?
a pen?
C'est un stylo.
How do you say...
3 offices in French?
C'est trois bureaux.
How do you say...
The horse is white
in French?
Le cheval est blanc.
How do you say...
Wednesday in French?
C'est mercredi.
How do you say...
April in French?
C'est avril.
How do you say...
a book in French?
C'est un livre.
How do you say...
7 classrooms in French?
C'est sept salles de classes.
How do you say...
The fish is brown
in French?
Le poisson est brun.
How do you say...
Thursday in French?
C'est jeudi.
How do you say...
June in French?
C'est juin.
How do you say...
a ruler in French?
C'est une regle.
How do you say...
5 teacher's rooms in French?
C'est cinq salles de proffesseurs.
How do you say...
The bird is blue
in French?
L'oiseau est bleu.
How do you say...
Friday in French?
C'est vendredi.
How do you say...
September in French?
C'est septembre.